Monday, December 28, 2020

So why is there 104,000 vacancies in the Care Sector?


On BBC News this evening there was a report on the 104,000 vacancies in the UK care sector.  There are justifiable worries that future Brexit restrictions on low paid migrants will make this problem much worse. A owner of a care home was interviewed and a representative of the UK Care Home Association. But no one representing actual care workers? 

My niece is a support worker for a residential care home & has had her first #COVID19 #vaccine (great news) but no sign of her being given a #livingwage #pension or #sickpay. No wonder the sector has so many vacancies!

While challenging immigration restrictions is really important all social care employers and commissioners of care should sign up to the UNISON Ethical Care Charter if they are really worried about social care vacancies. 


Anonymous said...

People are generally remunerated according to their skills, knowledge, qualification and level of experience. Unfortunately there are many people who qualify to be "carers" and this depresses the pay. There are fewer people intelligent or qualified to be brain surgeons and rocket scientists and the remuneration reflects this. Its the way it works in every society across the world - including communist ones. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

PS... don't believe everything the BBC says.

John Gray said...

this is not a post calling for the same wage for all? it is calling for care workers not to be paid a poverty wage (at the expense of other tax payers who then have to top up their wages).

No, I don't believe everything the BBC says (even though I don't think anyone can say that report was in anyway inaccurate?). However, I trust the BBC more than any other media outlet (as imperfect as it is).

Anonymous said...

Being perpetually undercut by cheap foreign labour I'm afraid... but there again you support Labour's mass immigration policy.. get used to the consequences.

John Gray said...

if the care sector was being so undercut by "cheap foreign labour" there would not be 104,000 vacancies pre brexit.