Friday, December 04, 2020

Newham Council Pension Fund wins LAPF "Good Governance Award"


Good Governance Award

Winner: London Borough of Newham

Essex Pension Fund
London Borough of Newham
West Midlands Pension Fund

I was really pleased to see that Newham won this award on Tuesday.  Great work by the Pension Committee Chair, Cllr Nareser Osei, other members of the Committee and the Pension Board, Officers and advisors. A team effort. 

However, this shows how effective Councils committees can be and also show how trade union representation on both the Pension Committee and the Board improves good governance.  


Anonymous said...

I thought you were on the board of the LAPFF?
What a strange coincidence that Newham should win eh!

John Gray said...

Get your F's in line troll

I happen to be on the executive of the Local Authority Pension fund Forum (LAPFF)

The Local authority pension funds investment Awards are a commercial and entirely different outfit as linked