I logged on this evening to the first session of the Conference. The CWC describes itself on its website "WorkersCapital" "With over 700 participants from 25 different countries, the Committee on Workers’ Capital is an international labour union network for dialogue and action on the responsible investment of workers capital. We connect labour activists and asset owner board members from around the world to promote information sharing and joint action in the field of workers’ capital. We are a joint initiative of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Global Unions Federations (GUFs) and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC)".
I have been to physical meetings of its annual conference in London and Amsterdam in the past and always found them really interesting and useful. Obviously this year's setting it is very different.
The conference was opened by Tuur Elzinga, Vice-President and International Secretary of the Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions (FNV), Chair of the CWC.
Sessions start 4pm (Current UK time) and last 75 minutes. There are recordings available of each session. There are also 3 "Campaign Spotlights", an interactive space where CWC participants will showcase a priority initiative from their union.
you can register below
My question to session one panel "What does the panel think about pooled pension funds that refuse to allow asset owners to vote shares at AGMs in line with their ESG policies. Or is this only a British problem?" but panel ran out of time.
16 NovHow do asset managers view and incorporate worker-backed evidence in public equities?
This session will evaluate current practice and potential to improve how asset managers incorporate trade union and worker provided information in their evaluations of companies. (Chaired by Janet Williamson from TUC)
DAY 2: 4pm
Racial Justice and the stewardship of workers' capital
Global protests from the Black Lives Matter movement have brought attention to systemic racism in every corner of the economy. This session will begin with a panel of speakers, followed by a participant-led Q&A to share perspectives and strategies on how investors can approach the issue of racial justice.
DAY 3: 4pm
Tools and examples to hold asset managers accountable
This session will review recent tools and examples used by asset owners to hold their asset managers accountable on ESG issues, with a particular focus on the "S".
DAY 4: 4pm
Charting the Road Ahead: A strategic brainstorming session on CWC priorities for 2021
This interactive session will be an opportunity for participants to share their views on priorities for the 2020-2021 CWC workplan. What does a worker-centric agenda look like in this new context of a global health and social crisis? Discussion will be facilitated using a mix of discussion groups and open-ended discussion
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