Friday, April 24, 2020

Hey guys!!! it's Dettol o'clock!!!

The latest idiocy from the "leader" of the free world. The BBC reports that disinfectant firms have had to issue public warnings that people should not inject or drink their products to treat Covid-19.

Hat tip my UNISON comrade, Eddie Brand, who as the branch secretary of our London Ambulance Service has a professional interest in pouring scorn on such moronic comments. 


John Gray said...

Neo-Nazi alert! deleted.

Anonymous said...

Listened to Trump again - at no point did he say inject disinfectant. Fake news.
The problem is that the Left is totally obsessed by Trump and it affects your balance. Same occurs with Dominic Cummings attending the SAGE meetings - I would be more concerned if the advisors didn't attend the scientific meetings?