Friday, January 13, 2017

Love Unions Week 8-14 February 2017

"Following the popularity of the ♥unions campaign week last year the TUC family of unions has agreed to run the campaign again, this time 8 – 14 February 2017.

· Every union Branch is being urged to organise some kind of activity to celebrate its achievements.

Every trade union member is being urged to ask a family member, friend or workmate, who is a non-member, to join a union.

Unions can align the ♥unions brand to an organising campaign, or an industrial campaign.

Trades Councils can organise community events, such as street stalls, photo opportunities, stunts, flash-mob choir etc.

If you are a union rep or activist:

Please contact your union to see if it will have any materials that you can use, as they might be branded with you union logo, specific organising and campaign messages etc.

· Please let me know what you are doing, as we will create a calendar and will visit as many events as possible.

· Please send us photographs.

· SERTUC will have some materials to support activity by Branches and in workplaces; so speak to us.

If you are from a Trades Council:

· Please tell me what you are planning

· We can discuss what campaign materials we can give you to support your event.

For social media assets see and use: @heartunions #heartunions facebook

This is a campaign celebrating the achievements of trade unions, past present and future. It is about pride and confidence in what we do and why we do it. What you do in the week can be ‘a bit of fun’ or it can be more ‘hard-edged, it is at your discretion.

It could be a simple as taking photographs and sending tweets, awarding the metal badges to lead activists, or organising a Branch social.

Be certain, trade unionism remains the hope of the world and we are a force for good and for radical change.

Are you interested in arranging a celebration, event, stunt, stall or photo opportunity? SERTUC can support what you are doing contact: @heartunions #heartunions facebook

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