Wednesday, November 04, 2009

"Back from one war to join another fight"

Welcome back home to Ipswich Labour Councillor Alasdair Ross who has returned from a tour of duty with 2 Rifles in Afganistan. This Youtube tribute was posted on his blog in September and titled "A tribute to the 2 Rifles "The Chosen Men" High on a Hill".

He reports on his commander's view that it has been "the fight of our lives" and on "the tragic news today from Helmand today reminds us all in the Rifles of what we went through and watching the news today it made us realise the roller coaster ride our families went throughwhilst we were away (5 British soldiers apparently shot by an Afghan Police officer).

Alasdair also posts "Goodbye Sangin- it has been a complex, lethal, intense and nuanced campaign. But we leave Sangin and the Upper Helmand Valley a safer place to live for all Afghans".

Alasdair is not convinced that the Tories will win the next general election. The Labour Party members of today must fight like Bevan and Gaitskill "did in their time for the future of this country".


Anonymous said...

Its amazing to me that the Miltary big wigs are suking up to the Tories

who will be making massive cuts in the MOD should they be elected

Its well know that Tory governments put less into frontline troops because they take their support for granted

The Government should have allowed trade union organisation like other countries and the TA reduction was plain stupid

But nothing compared to Tory slash and burn

Anonymous said...

Alasdair is not convinced that the Tories will win the next general election. The Labour Party members of today must fight like Bevan and Gaitskill "did in their time for the future of this country".

There quite a number of Tory councillors doing just as much Cllr Ross in Afghanistan as well. Quite ironic you should use the words fight for the future of the country in this context, especially as those same Tories are fighting your Government's war as much as Cllr Ross.

By the way, you can't spell poppy correctly.

So have you been selected yet Mr Gray, I understand that some councillors are already saying they've been reselected. Or maybe in your case, you weren't so successful

John Gray said...

Hi Anon 00.26
Not sure that there should be trade unions should be in the Forces? It does seem to work in many European countries I suppose - but I’m not sure it would work in the UK?

I agree that the Tories are so ideologically committed to “cuts” that the Forces will be chopped if the evil ones get it.

Hi Anon 18.38

It's Cllr Ross words not mine.

Thanks for pointing out the "poppy” typo!

You are wrong I am afraid about the Newham selections –don't worry, I'll let people know either way when it happens.

I’m just off now to a joint ward meeting with Sir Robin Wales as our guest speaker. I will send him your regards!

Anonymous said...

God you must feel very honoured by His Worship's Imperial Presence.

I feel your sorrow

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

apologies - I forgot to give him your best wishes!

It was a really good meeting.

I'll post on it next!

Mike Law said...


How do you KNOW that the Conservatives will cut spending on the Armed Forces?

Do you advise Cameron?

Of course, the current Labour Government have done a wonderful job... plenty of Helicopter support and each front-line soldier has his own Ridgeback or Mastiff armoured vehicle to travel in.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
I am more than willing to offer anyone advice – you know that! Perhaps you could put a good word in with him for me?

No - I don't have any special powers to see into the future. But they will cut and cut and cut and the Forces will suffer their share. This is the nature of the Tory beast. They will if they can turn a recession into a depression. It’s what they do – I can see into the past.

Check out Cllr Ross's comments on his blog about the high quality of the equipment and gear he was issued with.

Mike Law said...

And the current Labour Government are doing a sterling job of bringing us out of the recession with the same rapidity as the US and Germany.

Obviously, the next Government will have to make cuts... are you telling me that a Labour Government will not...

Actually, thinking about it, you can answer the above with a resounding "yes" as it's hypothetical - there will not be a Labour Government after May Next year.

Cllr Ross may well have had the best kit and caboodle on offer (or it could just be NuLabour spin) but I understand from someone who is serving in the Rifles that the equipment is (in his words) shite!

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
The EU predicts we will outgrow the Euro zone 2010 and 2011.

I think with such poor quality opposition we will win next year (especially in Newham)

Obviously you know better about conditions in Afghanistan than Cllr Ross (who I believe has over 22 years service in the regular Army and is a senior NCO - who you now accuse of spin)

PS look forward to my post on Robin tomorrow morning

Mike Law said...

You are really something else... you read in peoples comments exactly what you want without actually taking on board what they write.

I stated that I had a conversation (very brief as I was at work at the time) with a serving rifleman who has served on the front-line and he was not too impressed with the equipment he had access to.

How on Earth can that be construed as my stating I know more about the situation than someone who has been there, all I did was offer up an alternative view as given to me by someone who has been there.

I cannot wait for you to become a councillor... you're going to be a hoot!

Mike Law said...

The EU also stated in its report:
"These projections are clouded with considerable risks and uncertainties. The prospects for a return to strong and sustainable growth will depend in part on when and how imbalances in the government and household sectors are unwound."

Anonymous said...

and equipment was great in the falklands

oh yeah

Mike Law said...

Saw on the news that RSM Darren Chant of the Grenadier Guards (who was sadly killed along with several of his colleagues by a local "police officer") had complained about the quality of the equipment issued to servicemen in his letters home.

So, I guess by your reckoning, he had no idea what he was on about.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
Please stop being so daft and full of yourself for crying out loud.

You seem to think that you can say whatever you like whenever about everyone and anyone including IMO genuine people whose views you might not happen to share and who has been there while you I understand have not.

Please read what you actually said not want you may (with the benefit of hindsight) have meant. I must admit that when you indulge in your self indulgent hissy fits that I am really, really glad you are now a Tory Boy. Long may it remain...

Life is uncertain. But the economy is safe in our hands; we are now on the winning side of history not the Tories. Get use to it.

See you on Sunday maybe.

Mike Law said...

You're not well...

Re-read what I wrote. I did not claim that I'd "been there", my exact wording was:P
"Cllr Ross may well have had the best kit and caboodle on offer (or it could just be NuLabour spin) but I understand from someone who is serving in the Rifles that the equipment is (in his words) shite!"

First, as I stated, Cllr Ross may well have had the very best equipment or he could be being polite so as not to embarrass a Labour government (not too far difficult to imagine as he is an elected Labour councillor).

The comment about the equipment being "shite" was passed on to me by a serving soldier who I met by chance as he came into the shop I was managing with his Father and we had a quick chat about the war - incidentally, he felt that it was essential that we remain in Afghanistan.

"You seem to think that you can say whatever you like whenever about everyone and anyone including IMO genuine people whose views you might not happen to share" - I did laugh when I read this; you seem to project your own strange way of "refuting" the arguments of others on to those you disagree with - get a grip.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Hmm – so I am mentally unwell because I don’t agree with you? Desperate, desperate stuff Mike.

Can’t you even think about an approach around something like “whoops sorry I got that wrong I didn’t mean that”?

No – I suppose not. Such is life I suppose.

I will leave it to those who can read and write without saying it aloud to judge things.

Mike Law said...

I just don't understand what you are on about. I've not written anything that I feel I have to make an apology for (any chance you can explain what it is I'm to say sorry for?)

Please use one syllable words when typing your response as it takes me some time to read the words out loud.

Anonymous said...

Falklands was at least a war we waged to protect British citizens and won pretty swiftly.

The scale of ill-equipped troops and strategic disaster which has lasted for 5 years makes the idiot on here who mentions the Falklands look as twit.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Its been a beautiful morning in East London and I'm just back from a lovely run on Wanstead flats.

Suggest you do likewise.

Off to fight the good fight in a little while.

BTW - Did you enjoy my post on Robin?

Mike Law said...

As usual you fudge answering a question:

Some time ago, on one of your threads, you claimed that my comments were based on sour grapes because I didn't get what I wanted from Wales, as I had no idea what you were on about I asked you to explain what it was that I didn't get - no response.

Here, I ask you what I should state I was wrong about and, yet again, nothing.

You will do well on the Council.

I did read your post about Wales at the Forest Gate Labour meeting - didn't read anything worth commenting about.

Mike Law said...


is an interesting read.

Any comments?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to read, maybe, but more interesting to note that the general public - certainly in terms of comments on the story and contacting the press, radio, TV etc. the majority seem to be of the overall opinion that this story is being used as an unfair attack on Gordon Brown. But I'm a little surprised that you also have stooped so low to quote the 'newspaper' that is still known by many of our serving soldiers as 'The paper that makes up stories about our boys'.
Shame on you.

Mike Law said...


As it happens, I think Brown IS being beaten up for no good reason (at least he took the time to write the letter and I understand he does the same with all fatalities of both conflicts).

I also agree that the Sun is a vile rag.

However, it was the only source (at the time) of the transcript of the phone conversation.

The reason I posted it here was to illustrate that, as related to their loved ones by servicemen, there seems to be a fair few are not too impressed with the equipment they are provided with.

Anonymous said...

<< agree that the Tories are so ideologically committed to “cuts” >>

...isnt Labour going to make cuts?

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

You were wrong IMO to link to that disgusting rag.

Hi anon

No, the tories will cut and cut and cut regardless of consequences because that is what they believe.

Labour is and will be different. W

Mike Law said...

Still not addressing the point, I see.

How on Earth do you know that the Conservatives will cut and cut?

You just make statements without qualifying them... are you saying that a Labour Government will not make cuts?

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
The Tories are on record that they will make “savage cuts” and that Cameron claims he will be the “most unpopular man within 6 weeks of government”. Labour will have to make cuts but they will have the interests of the poor and the vulnerable at heart not inheritance tax cuts for the richest 3000 families.

I lived through the last major recession were Thatcher used neo-liberal ideology as a means to justify the decimation of regions and communities.

Mike Law said...

FF sake...

Mandelson said the Tories are planning "savage cuts" and it was Nick Clegg who actually used the term. See here

You cannot blame the Tories for this recession... or can you?

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Yes,this is a neo liberal failure and this was/is the tory DNA.

Mike Law said...

Again, only just noticed your last comment.

You seem to think you know the Tories so well, have you ever been a member?

I seem to recall you following a line of reasoning that made it clear that I couldn't reliably comment on Labour in Newham as I am no longer a member - what are your qualifications for pontificating about the DNA of the Tories?

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

if I remember rightly (parden the pun) this was in response your tendency to criticise the Labour Party as if you were still a member. Supporting a political enemy of Labour makes anything you say suspect IMO.

Of course you have the right to offer your opinion about Labour as I do on the Tories.

Mike Law said...

I only base my criticism on what I know and what I'm told by current Labour members. Still, some progress I guess in so far as you've stated that others have a right to voice opinions.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

you have your the right to be wrong.

Mike Law said...

Occasionally I'm wrong, I'll admit that; but at least I'm not pathetically delusional.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Its pathologically delusional. Freudian slip?

Mike Law said...

No slip, you delusions are pathetic.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Actually I think your delusions are pathological. Do you do anything in life except gripe?

Are you sure you are not related to airport anon?

Mike Law said...

I see... any point of view you don't agree with is a gripe.

I guess all your comments about the Tories and the SWP etc. etc. are balanced and reasoned musings.

My money is on Wales making you his Mayoral Advisor for Communications if you get on the Council.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Any chance that Cameron would make you his?

I'll put in a good world for you!