Hello it's Sanchia Alasia here. I am really privileged to be one of the European candidates for the 2014 elections for the London region. I wanted to email all the Labour party members in Newham to introduce myself to those who may not know me.
Im a Labour Party councillor in Barking and Dagenham and I defeated the London Regional Coordinator of the BNP, Robert Bailey to become the youngest woman on the council and achieved over 7% swing to Labour I now want to use my experience of defeating the BNP in Barking to kill off the far right across Europe.
If your wondering how I got your email address, the Labour party supplied it to me for the purposes of my campaign. I think it's really important that ordinary community activists get selected in campaigns like this and if elected I pledge to be a strong voice in Europe for you. I have a real chance of topping the ballot which will be sent out next month as my campaign will make international history if I am elected as I will be the first woman of African/Caribbean origin to ever sit in the European Parliament.
I have had had some press about my campaign please click the links below to read:
Barking and Dagenham Post
The Voice
If you would like to get involved in my campaign team or endorse me then email me here. You can read my campaign leaflet and find out a bit more about me here. Would you consider making a small donation to my campaign? Any amount no matter how small would be gratefully received. This can be done via my website.
If you have any questions then please get in touch or speak to me at the Newham Hustings on Tuesday the 28th May which will be held at the Community Centre in Vicarage Lane E15. As someone who lived in Newham for over 20 years in the Plaistow North ward and worked at Newham Hospital for a number of years as their equality and diversity lead it will be great to meet up with former comrades again.
Reply supporter to be listed as one of my supporters.
Reply phonebank to join one of my phonebank sessions at UNISON Headquarters in Eusron on 14, 21 and 29 May.
Finally we have a bye-election in Barking tomorrow, Thursday 9th May and we would appreciate any help that you could give us to help see of the BNP again. If you are available at any time tomorrow and would like to help get the vote out the “Campaign Office” will be at 171 Westrow Drive IG11 9BS – OPEN from 9am until close of polling.
Vote Sanchia Alasia #1
@sanchia4europe #sanchia4mep sanchia4europe@yahoo.co.uk
How did Labour defeat the BNP in Barking?.
Population dumping from Newham?
Or did the BNP electorate leaving Barking?
Well anon I think it was a wider Labour movement victory that we can all feel proud about but it was mainly that the people of Barking realised that the BNP is actually a bigoted racist party led by Hitler loving Nazi.
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