The Labour Housing Group has published this consultaton paper on its own website and on the housing site "Red Brick" in advance of their annual conference next month:-
Housing is central to Labour’s One Nation approach and our plans
for economic recovery and social well-being.
Housing Investment
Housing should be a central feature of a new National
Infrastructure Plan looking ahead 10, 20 and 30 years at the country’s
requirements for a modern economy and a cohesive society.
Increasing housing investment in all tenures should be a key
component of economic policy.
To ensure an adequate supply of affordable homes, capital
investment subsidies should be restored to 2008 levels as quickly as possible,
with over-riding priority given to building homes for social rent.
Councils should be enabled to invest much more under the new
self-financing regime. The existing borrowing cap should be lifted and international
conventions for measuring public borrowing (which exclude public corporations)
should be adopted.
Smart national accounting should be adopted that recognises how
housing investment contributes to savings in health, education and benefits
Planning for Housing
Councils should be under much stronger planning duties to meet
housing needs in their areas, to plan for mixed communities, and to co-operate in
planning for new housing across sub-regions, especially City regions.
Local plans should prioritise social rented homes separately from
other sub-market rented and low cost home ownership homes.
Local communities should benefit more clearly from development
through requirements for affordable housing and other facilities.
The New Homes Bonus should be ringfenced to be spent on housing
infrastructure and benefits for communities affected by development only and
should be phased out.
A proportion of new homes should be made available to people from
the local area.
There should be much stronger duties on public agencies to release
land for affordable housing.
As a general principle, brownfield land should be used first and
broad Green Belt protections should remain.
Minimum space standards should be applied to all new homes.
More rapid progress should be made towards achieving high
environmental and energy efficiency standards in new homes, with higher
priority given to cycling, play and recreation facilities.
Planning permissions should expire sooner and should be based on
project completion.
Planning powers should enable Councils to take more effective
enforcement action against rundown and empty homes that blight neighbourhoods.
Tenure Reform
17. Labour should undertake comprehensive
tenure reform with standard mandatory tenancy conditions across private and
social renting.
18. Labour should adopt a plan to
ensure that the Commonhold form of tenure, introduced by the last Labour
Government, is more frequently used.
19. Labour should renew its commitment
to co-operative and new forms of tenure.
Private renting
The private rented sector should be modernised and reformed, with
longer tenancies, more predictable rents, better regulation, and proper
enforcement of safety and decency standards.
There should be tough regulation of letting agents and
encouragement of not-for-profit agencies.
Stronger enforcement action should take place in cases of landlord
crime like harassment, illegal eviction and theft of deposits.
All landlords should be registered in a self-financing scheme.
As part of a package of reforms, Labour should review the tax
treatment of private landlords to encourage investment, and reintroduce repair
grants to achieve a new PRS decency standard.
Shared housing should be regularly inspected to ensure compliance
with standards.
Social housing
All social landlords in receipt of public money should be subject
to effective regulation and occasional inspection to achieve higher standards
in terms of customer service, efficiency, governance, accountability, and
Statutory requirements for tenants to be involved in scrutiny and
in the regulatory system should be strengthened and the right to complain to
the Ombudsman should be strengthened.
Labour should ensure that housing associations remain
not-for-profit organisations and review the scale and use of their surpluses.
There should be genuine ‘like for like’ replacement of Council
homes sold under Right to Buy. Give-away discounts should be restricted.
Councils should be enabled to take an equity stake in sold property and strict covenants
should be applied in relation to future letting and onward sale.
A new social sector Decent Homes Standard should be adopted with
stronger environmental and communal area requirements.
All social landlords should produce an annual Asset Management
Statement, demonstrating how they have made best use of their stock. There
should be a presumption against unjustified sales of property.
Security of tenure should be restored so there is a basic requirement
that a household cannot lose their home without the landlord’s case being tested
in a court.
It should be a priority to ensure that homes that have been
‘converted’ from social to so-called ‘affordable rent’ revert back to their
original status.
Home ownership
Government help for home ownership should be targeted to provide
help with deposits for first-time buyers.
Labour should require the energy industry to provide better grants
and loans to ensure minimum standards in energy efficiency.
Repair grants should be reintroduced in housing priority areas to
enable owners to bring their homes up to basic standards.
Labour should work with the development industry to introduce a
Rent To Buy scheme for first time buyers.
Labour should work with the mortgage industry to deliver more
loans at higher loan-to-value ratios but without encouraging sub-prime lending.
Tax and benefits
The total benefit cap should be regionalised to take proper
account of rent differentials between areas of the country.
Local Housing Allowance should be made available up to the level
of median rents in an area rather than the 30th percentile.
HB direct payments to landlords should be restored based on
tenants’ choice.
The ‘bedroom tax’ should be ended in favour of a new national plan
to tackle under occupation based on incentives and a stronger ground for
possession with a right to suitable alternative accommodation.
Labour should develop and adopt a long term plan to switch from
personal subsidies to investment subsidies in housing, reducing the benefit
bill by reducing the cost of rented housing.
A Mansion Tax on properties valued at £2m or more, or additional Council
Tax bands, should be introduced.
Options should be investigated to impose additional taxation on
foreign buyers in the prime property market.
Additional charges should be levied on long-term empty properties
and unused development land.
A fundamental review of property taxation and reliefs should be
undertaken, including council tax, capital gains, stamp duty, to find a system
that meets wider housing objectives.
It should be a key target of a Labour Government to reduce
homelessness. The strong homelessness safety net should be restored.
A new National Tenant Voice should be created, for all tenants.
Labour’s commitment is to encourage mixed and sustainable
communities across the country - in cities towns and rural areas.
One point: "39. The total benefit cap should be regionalised to take proper account of rent differentials between areas of the country."
Its a shame that they seem to be blithely accepting the benefit cap, which is a completely unfair attack on the poor and vulnerable. Other than that, seems like a reasonably good set of policies!
Hi Darren
I think that outside high cost housing areas people in the rest of UK do not understand how anyone can get £500 pw (or £350 if single) in benefits.
As long as the benefit cap is based on need then a regional cap (which will be more than £500 in areas such as London and I suspect Plymouth) is a potentially positive way forward.
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