Monday, July 01, 2013

National Action Mesothelioma Day - Friday 5 July Stratford Town Hall

Friday 5th JULY 2013
"You are invited to attend a commemorative event at 12:30pm to remember all those who have died and who are suffering because of asbestos
Peter Williams Head of Asbestos and personal injury,
Field, Fisher, Waterhouse
John McClean GMB National Safety Officer

There will be a release of doves, at 1pm, followed by a short seminar, and a buffet will be provided.
The event is organised by London Hazards Centre and East London Mesothelioma Support, ELMS.
All invited but please RSVP to

5 facts about asbestos

1 Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and there is no safe level
of asbestos exposure.
2 54 countries have banned asbestos. The UK finally banned all types
of asbestos in 1999.
3 Asbestos fibers can cause asbestosis, lung, and gastrointestinal
cancers, and an aggressive cancer called mesothelioma. The average
life expectancy of a mesothelioma patient is six – twelve months.
4 Asbestos-caused diseases have a 10 – 50 year latency period from
initial exposure to development of disease.
5 The World Health Organisation estimates that 107,000 workers
die annually from exposure to asbestos. And in the UK over
3,200 die from mesothelioma each year according to HSE"

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