Wednesday, July 21, 2010

UNISON Labour Link nominates Ed Miliband for Party Leader

I heard some great news this afternoon that the National UNISON Labour Link committee had voted decisively to recommend to members that they should vote for Ed Miliband to be the next leader of the Labour Party.

This was a decision taken by the elected lay leadership of the voluntary UNISON affiliated political fund “Labour Link” (it used to be known as the APF fund). The affiliated bodies to the Labour Party (dominated by the 3 million trade union levy payers) will make up 1/3rd of the electoral college that will appoint the new leader. MPs/MEPS will vote for 1/3rd and Labour Party members the final 1/3rd.

I can confirm now that in the consultation meeting here with Greater London UNISON Labour Link Ed Miliband was also overwhelmingly supported by regional delegates.

Check out why I support Ed Miliband to be Party leader here.

UNISON press release quotes Ed:-

"I am honoured and delighted to have received the support of UNISON.

UNISON has gone through a thoughtful and thorough process of consultation with their members. To have received the backing of a union representing millions of frontline workers is a real boost for my
campaign to lead our party.

Millions of those who work in the NHS, local government and in other front line jobs will be watching this Government very carefully. I pledge that if elected, I will lead a Labour party that stands up for hard
working public servants and defends the role of our public services.

(picture college from Sunday’s Husting at West Ham sponsored by Great London UNISON Labour Link)


Tony C said...

John, you say "3 million affiliated" union members? Is there a breakdown of this available? Where are the union affiliation levels published? TC

Andrew Berry said...

so can you now provide the result of the phone poll?

Anonymous said...

its a leadership plot

how dare they back the left candidate

John Gray said...

Hi Tony

Google "certification officer" and download latest report. I think its over 3 million.

Hi Andrew

Don't know - will ask (BTW did you get a refund from the charm school?)

John Gray said...

tulo says here 3 million

Tony C said...

I'm not asking how many union members contribute to a political fund, that is clear from CO report as you say.
It is the actual number of members each union affiliates to the Labour party which I am querying.
TULO does not list union by union. I believe it may be consideraby lower than 3 million, if UNISON is less than 450k.
Does the Labour Party publish this figure in its accounts or annual report?
It's an important question in teh context of the electoral college. TC

Andrew Berry said...

I think we probably went to the same charm school John.

John Gray said...

Hi Tony

don't know - when I get a mo I will have a look

Hi Andrew

Maybe - but did you get your refund? :)

Anonymous said...

There seems to be no correlation between the number of political levy payers in a union's membership and the size of a union's affiliation to the Labour Party. In 2008 the GMB was widely reported as 'reducing the size of its affiliation' to Labour as a political tactic.

Why does the Party not publish the size of each union's affilated membership?

Do ALL union levy payers get a vote irrespective of the ACTUAL number of members a union pays fees to our Party?

John Gray said...

Hi anon

I am not sure. I just assume that all TU affiliated political fund payers will get a vote?