Friday, January 08, 2016

West Ham Ward Councillor Report

Councillor Report to West Ham Ward


tel: 020 3373 2615 or email

Ward meeting 6 January 2016

·         Apologises for not attending all of this meeting but I have been invited to speak to a joint meeting of Forest Gate South and North on the Governments Trade Union Bill.

·         Return Site visit this week with Cllr Whitworth, Residents and Family Mosaic Housing officer to Ladywell Street, E15 regarding security, ASB and disrepair.

·         Site visit on 22 December with LBN Parking design Officers with residents and Councillor Whitworth to Plaistow Grove, E15 regarding need for double yellow lines to prevent the roads being obstructed and preventing emergency vehicles from entering. Officers agreed that redesign needs to be done and it is hoped that works will begin in the near future.

·         We also inspected the open gate in Dirleton Street, E15 Road which keeps getting its locks cut off and is being used as a "rat run" causing nuisance and danger to local residents.  Officers agreed to clarify the status of the gate and consider ways to prevent cars from using the road as a rat run but still providing access to emergency vehicles.

·         Following a number of complaints and petitions it was agreed at West Ham & Stratford Neighbourhood Cllr forum on 14 December that Parking officers to look into a consultation extending the Plaistow CPZ (controlled Parking Zone) to cover streets south of Portway, E15

·         Also at forum it was agreed that Parking officers will look into consulting on further parking restrictions in Ham Park village area following the exercise last year which resulted in some areas rejecting further controls and others requesting it.

·         Other case work on planning enforcement (on going issue with the Education and Community centre) in Plaistow Road.  Excessive service charges by East Thames Housing Association, other parking issues, homelessness, issue that you can only apply for permits online, trading on pavements, closing off of the Greenway to cyclists and other users (I also attended a cycling site visit to inspect the alternative routes), Xmas Hampers for elderly, ASB.

·         On Monday 4 January Cllr Whitworth and I leafleted commuters outside Plaistow Station against the new Tory train and bus fare increases on behalf of Labour London Mayor Candidate, Sadiq Khan.

·         On Friday 11 December Cllr Whitworth and I attended the funeral of Councillor Charity Fiberesima.

·         On 10 December Cllr Whitworth and I attended a candle light vigil outside East Ham Town Hall to coincide with Human Rights Day and the end of the United Nation’s 16 Days of Action which aimed to raise awareness of violence against women.

·         At the Newham Council meeting on 7 December both Cllr Whitworth and I expressed our concerns regarding the cost and threat to our finances from the £563 million of LOBO loans that we had. We did not receive satisfactory assurances so we will be taking the matter further.

·         The motion at Full Council against the Trade Union Bill that Cllr Whitworth proposed and I seconded was passed unopposed.

·         On 3 December West Ham ward Party member Veronica Oakeshott was elected overwhelmingly at the Council by election in Boleyn Ward. Congratulations!

·         On 3 and 4th December I attended the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum annual conference.

Future dates

·         16 Jan - Super Saturday. Lyn Brown MP will be joining us to talk to voters about Sadiq Kahn. Meeting 11am in Canning Town South at St Luke's Church, Tarling Road, E15 1HN and again at 2pm at Forest Gate station

·         West Ham Women's Forum Open Discussion evening with the Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Seema Malhotra MP January 21 January at St Johns Church Stratford.

·         Launch of Newham United Against Austerity (NUAA) with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP at UEL, Water Lane E15 on Saturday 30 January at 2pm

·         31 January Sunday Night Live at Stratford Picture House E15.

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