Saturday, January 23, 2016

Newham United Against Austerity: Invite to launch Saturday 30 January with John McDonnell MP

The collage is from Wednesday evening when Newham Trade Unionists were out leafleting in Stratford, commuters and shoppers about our NUAA launch event next Saturday 30 January, 2-4pm, main lecture theatre, University East London, Water Lane, E15 4LZ  with Labour Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell MP. Considering it was a bitterly cold night we had a good response.

This is the invite from "Newham United Against Austerity" that has gone out to community groups and organisations in Newham.

"Dear Colleague,
                             no doubt, like the Newham Trade Unions, you are concerned about the economic austerity programme of the current government.

We have been trying to establish a campaign in the London Borough of Newham to challenge the government’s austerity programme and in working with the trade union liaison officers of West Ham Constituency Labour Party a public meeting has been organised to set up a campaigning group to be named:

Newham United Against Austerity.

Flyers advertising the Public Meeting are enclosed in anticipating that your organisation will be able to send participants to that meeting and begin to work together with a view to bring to the attention of the people living and working in Newham, the implications of the ongoing decline in government financial support to Local Authorities and its negative impact on the services delivered by Newham Council.

As you will see Newham Council are predicting that the Revenue Support Grant it receives from central government will be reduced from 60% of its income it received in 2013 to ZERO PERCENT in 2020.

I leave you to imagine how Newham Council can employ sufficient Council employees to continue to deliver, even with prioritising the front line, its services to the level required by the people of Newham. I remind you that Newham is one of the most deprived local authorities in the country. On top of that with Inner London Needs it is still resourced as an Outer London Borough.

We look forward to your support for and participation in building this important campaign.

                                                                                                Yours sincerely
                                                                                                Peter Smith

[NJTUC]: Formed in 1983 by Newham recognised Trade Unions: 1983 – 1987 ‘Fair Deal for Newham’ campaign against underfunding from rate-capping: 1992 -1997 “Newham Needs” campaign for Inner London Status for Newham then worth extra £48 Million to Newham.

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