Newham Councillor & GMB activist Unmesh Desai is standing for election on Saturday to the NE and East CLP seat on London Regional Board.
Unmesh is a hard working Party activist and campaigner.
The election will take place at the Biannual Labour Party conference. This is his election statement.
"I have been nominated by my CLP, East Ham, for the above position and now write to seek your support.
London Labour faces a number of challenges over the course of the term of the new Regional Board :
. Campaigning with trade unions,affiliated organisations and community organisations to connect with and shape rising anger over the savage cuts proposed by the Condem government. In particular we need to win over those Londoners who voted for the Libdems only to find themselves betrayed.
. A positive London Labour alternative appealing to all Londoners in both inner and outer London which also exposes the Tory Mayor's failure to deliver on key issues such as transport and policing.
. Continuing our successful Barking campaign to reengage with and win back white working class voters without pandering to any sectional prejudices or vested interests.
The Regional Board has the key role in coordinating and implementing a strategy to deliver these goals and I believe that in my 25 years of party membership I have demonstrated the political commitment and experience to play an effective part in delivering this -
* I have held positions at all party levels including LGC Chair and past membership of the Regional Board. Currently I am Vice Chair (Campaigns) of East Ham CLP and Labour Group Vice Chair (Campaigns and Media).
* Newham Councillor since 1998. Currently Cabinet Member for Crime and Anti Social Behaviour.Vice Chair of the Local Government Information Unit.
* School governor, Coop Party member and Chair of Newham Fabians.
* GMB member and particularly proud as East Ham's delegate to have seconded the GMB motion to 2009 Conference to extend Newham's free school meals policy nationally.We still provide free school meals to all our primary school children.
* Election agent at parliamentary,mayoral,council and GLA elections. Election agent to Stephen Timms,MP,in May when we secured the biggest parliamentary majority and vote in the country.
* Active in community campaigns around race, anti-fascism, civil liberties and social justice, but particularly in East London, since the late 1970's.
If elected I will represent your views and report back.I am and will always continue to be available on 07976 218 584 or email
Unmesh Desai
(UPDATE: He won)
Unmesh is a hard working Party activist and campaigner.
The election will take place at the Biannual Labour Party conference. This is his election statement.
"I have been nominated by my CLP, East Ham, for the above position and now write to seek your support.
London Labour faces a number of challenges over the course of the term of the new Regional Board :
. Campaigning with trade unions,affiliated organisations and community organisations to connect with and shape rising anger over the savage cuts proposed by the Condem government. In particular we need to win over those Londoners who voted for the Libdems only to find themselves betrayed.
. A positive London Labour alternative appealing to all Londoners in both inner and outer London which also exposes the Tory Mayor's failure to deliver on key issues such as transport and policing.
. Continuing our successful Barking campaign to reengage with and win back white working class voters without pandering to any sectional prejudices or vested interests.
The Regional Board has the key role in coordinating and implementing a strategy to deliver these goals and I believe that in my 25 years of party membership I have demonstrated the political commitment and experience to play an effective part in delivering this -
* I have held positions at all party levels including LGC Chair and past membership of the Regional Board. Currently I am Vice Chair (Campaigns) of East Ham CLP and Labour Group Vice Chair (Campaigns and Media).
* Newham Councillor since 1998. Currently Cabinet Member for Crime and Anti Social Behaviour.Vice Chair of the Local Government Information Unit.
* School governor, Coop Party member and Chair of Newham Fabians.
* GMB member and particularly proud as East Ham's delegate to have seconded the GMB motion to 2009 Conference to extend Newham's free school meals policy nationally.We still provide free school meals to all our primary school children.
* Election agent at parliamentary,mayoral,council and GLA elections. Election agent to Stephen Timms,MP,in May when we secured the biggest parliamentary majority and vote in the country.
* Active in community campaigns around race, anti-fascism, civil liberties and social justice, but particularly in East London, since the late 1970's.
If elected I will represent your views and report back.I am and will always continue to be available on 07976 218 584 or email
Unmesh Desai
(UPDATE: He won)
John, are you actually backing this guy?
Hi anon
yes of course.
BTW He won!
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