On Thursday evening I went with UNISON colleagues to the London Labour Party fund raising dinner. It was packed with people. The guest speaker was David Miliband MP who gave a simply superb speech. He was as usual very articulate and thoughtful but he was also I thought far more passionate and expressive than I had ever seen him before. He gave in fact a tour de force. Even people who don't agree with him politically thought it was excellent and inspiring.
He told a great self deprecating story about being in a husting in Norwich and waving what he thought was his Labour Party membership card at the audience while reading out our aims and values. Only to realise what he was actually waving was his Premier Inn hotel card.
Another great story was that he had been approached to speak at this meeting 3 or 4 months ago while he was still of course campaigning to be leader. After being invited by the London region organiser his office queried whether the invite was only in the event of him being elected Party leader or not? Which he took when he found out as meaning even his own office had its doubts about whether or not he would win!
Another great story was that he had been approached to speak at this meeting 3 or 4 months ago while he was still of course campaigning to be leader. After being invited by the London region organiser his office queried whether the invite was only in the event of him being elected Party leader or not? Which he took when he found out as meaning even his own office had its doubts about whether or not he would win!
Without any apparent bitterness or rancour he again and again stressed the importance of helping to get Ed elected as the next Prime Minister. Only 4 out of the previous 19 Labour Leaders had actually been elected as Prime Minister. He even swore a little (well, he used the word “bloody”) when describing this ‘orrible coalition government.
London Labour Chair and GLA Group leader Len Duvall was the compere and Stephen Pound MP (of course) took charge of the inevitable Labour Party raffle and auction. It was a good night.
(picture above of the London UNISON Labour Link crew)
Ed Milliband stands no chance whatsoever of becoming prime minister.
Hi Anon
Why make such a silly and pointless statement? While I think of course he will be our next prime minister I would be stupid and pretty thick to claim at this stage he will definitely whatsoever be the next prime minister?
Only a complete and utter twit and pillock would say a this stage he has "no chance whatsoever".
There again - you are not perchance a member of Newham Tories are you or (God forbid) a "cousin" of big bad Mikey Law?
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