Friday, June 19, 2009

UNISON NDC: An Open Letter From Untied Left

This was kindly sent on by Comrade Mercader. Double click, print off and copy for your delegation.


IndSoc said...

This sectarianism has dogged the Left since the windbag opportunist Kinnock (the most successful political failure in British history) appointed the ex-CPGB Stalinist Mandelson (the second most) and purged Militant instead of engaging in political argument with them. The Labour Party should be an open forum for all on the Left, not a slightly more charitable version of the Tory Party without the internal debate.

Anonymous said...

Don't think this is from United Left? Looks like UN-TIED left to me!

John Gray said...

whoops - so it is. Will update thank you anon. Hope no one else mixes them up with any one else?

John Gray said...

Hi Indsoc

The Labour Party is not a political debating society. It is ultimately about achiving power and delivering for working people in a society dominated by “centre” politics.

The Party should only open its membership to those who who firmly believe in change via the road of Parliamentary democracy. This is the central test and anyone who doesn't believe in this should be shown the door and join the rest of the forgotten brigade.