Monday, June 22, 2009

UNISON NDC 09: Economic crisis and public services

Click on this link for UNISONTV to see a vaguely familiar red faced delegate stumbling and mumbling on this important issue (about 1 minute into clip)


Anonymous said...

You really do have the face for media....... Radio!

mrcentreleft said...

Thanks for your contribution John. You have proved to be a true friend and Comrade in the struggle against both the Tories and the ultra-left. Conference this year has been the best (personally) so far. May we fight together for the Parliamentary road to Socialism, and a progressive Union that allows us to expel members of the far-right instead of accommodating them, and actually allow the many members we have outside Local Govt and Health to have a voice. It's a shame that we have to contend with activists that are hell-bent on 'smashing the system', and their ideology of 'overthrowing the state'. It appears to me that those things are far more important than representing the members in their own branches. If most of the membership were really aware of their aims and objectives they would'nt get elected to the Chelsea Flower Show never mind National Service Groups or the NEC! However, our far-left friends really will have something to squeel about if the Tories win the next election. Keep fighting John. Your a top man!

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

You are obviously just jealous of my youthful good looks and red round socialist face!

Hi mrcentreleft

Many thanks for your support, Yes, we need to get our union fighting fit and concentrate on organising around true trade union aims and objectives.

We've had a enough of lala political extremists distracting us from our proper mission.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

What make sit acceptable for Unison to ban people from joining it but you then critcise the BNP for doing precisely the same thing? And you call them fascists?

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
It’s all about challenging something called bigotry and mindless hatred of others. We don’t want bigots and racists in our union. Equally it is clear that the BNP practices unlawful discrimination in their own employment practices and constitution.

While I’m not sure that the best way forward is to encourage black racists to sue the BNP for not allowing them to join? But no one should be above the law of this land.