Monday, June 22, 2009

NEC report on Meeting 19th June 09

The first meeting of the newly elected national executive council scheduled to take place at the end of the national delegate conference was unable to begin. This was owing to the presence of a member who had not been elected, as confirmed by the independent scrutineers' report dated 4 June 2009 which is binding on the union.

The member refused to leave the room despite being asked to do so by the general secretary on two occasions. The decision not to open the meeting was taken jointly by the outgoing presidential team and the general secretariat.The important business of the meeting, to elect a president and two vice presidents, could not be conducted in accordance with UNISON rules and trade union legislation.

The new presidential team will be elected at the forthcoming meeting of the national executive council on 8/9 July 2009. In the meantime, the outgoing presidential team will be consulted on all important matters.

Check out UNISON news.

Yet more disgraceful behaviour by the Ultra Left I am afraid.


Anonymous said...

So basically what we have is a United Left that fails to

1. put up any black NEC candidates other than in the black members seats;

2. support black members and women members by only backing white male candidates in the general seats for the NEC;

3. priortise low pay as an issue and challenge for just one of the low-paid seats on the NEC;

4. consult black, women, and young members on their candidiates for the NEC;

5. host candidates statements by ANY black members on their NEC elections website;

6. condemn United Left members who are found guilty of stealing or misusing members money;

7. support the rule change which could have seen BNP members kicked out of our union;

8. enable UNISON to elect its first ever black vice-President.

What despicable scum.

I hope the chairs of the self-organised groups are aware of this and bring it to the attention of their members.

Anonymous said...

264 BNP members in UNISON and still the Untied Left (liking that term for them, John!)won't vote to give us the rule change we need to kick them out. The BNP are being very vocal in their support for the current wave of wildcat strikes.

You do the maths.

John Gray said...

Hi Anons

Lets not descend to the level of the "Socialist Liar" please comrades - I'll post on the BNP problem later.