If individual UNISON members have not received a freepost ballot paper by now to their home addresses then they should contact the ballot helpline operated by UNISONdirect, on the following telephone number: 0800 0 857 857.
Lines are open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. Members with hearing difficulties can use textphone 0800 0 967 968.
Members should try to have their membership number to hand when telephoning.
The latest point at which members can request a ballot paper is 12 noon on 20 May 2021.
The ballot closes 5pm on Thursday 27 May 2021 so please dig out your ballot paper from the pile of "will sort out later" mail in kitchen drawer or chair and vote as your NEC members people who will be #avoiceformembers.
If you are not a UNISON member of Community or London region check out recommendations https://www.johnslabourblog.org/2021/05/unison-nec-elections-now-on-vote-for.html
It is disgraceful that anyone should show their completed ballot paper for any election. It undermines the whole basis of the secret ballot. And it is as bad to publish it on your blog.
Don't be so silly. This is a nation wide postal only election of 1.3 million members. Why shouldn't people show their ballot paper? To be frank they could always change it after the photo and send in a different vote.
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