Just to explain that during the last week or so I have been experimenting with different blogger templates. I had got complaints that the previous "classic" look was becoming too slow to load. It was also about time I had a change. I suppose I should migrate to word press or buy a site but cannot face the hassle.
At the moment I am using the "simple" blogger template which I think looks okay. The platform seems a little unstable at times but I'll see how it goes. Let me know if you are having a problems loading or if you think the new template just doesn't work or look right.
What matters is what you say more than the glossy way you say this.
Very, very true Dan but unless you also gets the delivery right few will hear what you say in the first place.
Can you revert to the original style.
I don't like the new one.
Hi anon
Please say why? all the over reactions have been really positive?
I think the new design is much tidier. The previous version was very messy.
One small point though: you need to be careful with pictures. On some stories the picture overlaps the text and makes it hard to read.
Thanks E7 - is the overlap the "top ten" posts to the right?
No, the SPGB post and the ballot results post.
In both cases the picture overlaps part of the text of the first line of the post.
hmmm...macuser E7 I wonder if this a mac problem?
Hmmm, may be.
I get the same error in Safari & Chrome on the Mac, but not at all using IE8 on a Windows 7 PC.
But, beings as both Safari and Chrome are standards-compliant browsers, it's something you should investigate. You wouldn't want any of your readers to have a sub-optimal experience, right? ;-)
Hi macuser
Quite right - I'll check out blogger "help". Thans for the info.
is this any better?
Yes, it seems to work perfectly.
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