I am still trying to recover from the rounders. Our team won despite me being unable to hit the ball! I had thought that I was fairly fit. The aches and pains I still feel prove otherwise. Drinking beer beforehand probably didn't help much either.
Stephen Timms MP, Newham Mayor, Sir Robin Wales and around 55 Party members, children and friends turned up. The world was put to right. A good day. Enjoyed by all I think.
60 councillors, yet only 55 people turn up from the entire Newham membership? Not exactly a resounding success.
And I note the absence of Paul Brickell from the photo - odd, as the event took place literally on his front doorstep. What more pressing business could possibly have kept him away?
don't be such a grouchy sourpuss anon. It was a good picnic. One of many successful social and political events the Party organises each year.
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