Thursday, April 15, 2010

Same Old Tories: David Cameron mixes up his lines on discrimination

Hat-tip Comrade Sigurimi.


Damien McKee said...

What was your view on the now repealed Section 28 that banned the promtion of homosexuality? Would you agree that there would have been broad consensus if it also included heterosexuality but didn't and that was why it was reviled?

John Gray said...

I don't think that there is anything wrong at all about schools promoting positive aspects of being Gay or hetro? Section 28 was plain nasty.

Damien McKee said...

I take it that back in 1988 you would have applauded (then) Tory MP Robin Squire who was one of only 2 Tories to vote against introducing Section 28 and do you know of any Labour party member who supported it apart from Lord Longford and Lord Mason?

John Gray said...

Hi Damien

Yes, I do. Squire must have been very brave.

No I don't. I am sure there was.

Damien McKee said...

Would you agree that whilst it was right that Jim Davidson was kicked out of Hell's Kitchen for his comments to Brian Dowling, the real guilty party were ITV1 who knew full well what Davidson's sense of humour and outlook on life is when they took him on?

John Gray said...

yes and no. Davidson is responsible for his actions.

Damien McKee said...

Hi John I happen to be a gay Labour supporter myself but am disgusted that that the last government forced Catholic adoption agencies to close down because of their beliefs and as one MP at the time said "not only would people sadly stop donating money but same sex couples wouldn't even be able to have the chance to adopt a child and how can this be fair all round?"Then again what do you expect from bulling po faced bullying prigs like Harriet Harman,Chris Bryant,Ben Bradshaw,Angela Eagle ect who seek to ram their views down people's throats yet complain when dare to challenge them!No wonder former MP Peter Kilfoyle said at the time that a lot of his constiuents would be up in arms and that they were decent people with decent values who would be looked on as reactionary and that it was another reason for people not to vote for Labour!No wonder he called Harman a monomaniac!

John Gray said...

Hi Damien

I had hoped that somesort of compromise could have been reached but it wasn't. For true equality to work you cannot allow one minority to discriminate against another.

Damien McKee said...

I take it you think of me as a socially conservative gay member of the Labour party?

John Gray said...

Hi Damien

I would perfer the term "socially centre left". don't use the C word (big or little)