COMMENTS POLICY CHANGE: Due to the pending General & Council election and my role as local Agent and candidate I will disable comments on Newham and West Ham CLP "Party" posts until May 7 since I will not have the time to moderate them or respond properly.
I will of course be busy doing other things (see picture).
I shall look forward in renewing such “bun fights” after a Labour Victory on May 6th. I will keep comments open on National politics, trade union and other posts (but will keep this also under review)
If anyone is daft enough to try and get around this policy by making points in these other posts they will be just deleted.
You mean to say it takes you longer to click approve comment rather then to write a full blown article. You must press 1000-2000 key presses for each of your articles and you can't a few clicks to approve or disapprove an article?
Hi anon
Fair point - As a rule I pretty much publish everything apart from racist filth, the clearly libellous or the more obviously deranged. Since I do believe in freedom of speech and don’t believe in unnecessary censorship. However, if I allow comments on these posts then I will have to take the time to respond to them. Which I simply won’t have. I can’t either just be “selective” about the comments that I will “allow” since that will be a little hypocritical.
Most of my posts during the next few weeks will just be “cut and paste” jobs and links.
Off now to prepare for Labour Party stall and Voter ID sessions!
All the best with the election John. I hope soon to be speaking to Cllr John Gray, and look forward to the prospect of a Labour Govt.
According to the Socialist 'Worker' paper this week we should all be voting TUSC!?
It seems to be beyond these people's comprehention that we are less than a month from a possible Tory Govt!?
Whatever happenned to 'Vote Labour with no illusions'???
You and I have two sets of political opponants, Tories and Trots, and we need to beat them both!!!
Keep fighting John, someone has to.
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