Friday, April 23, 2010

Labour Launches Housing Manifesto - Clear Red Water

Check out Labour Housing manifesto here.

I do like the 160,000 jobs safeguarded to build 112,000 new affordable homes during the next 2 years (we do need to build far more!), 10,000 new council houses; protecting secure tenures and affordable rents, improving rights for private tenants; support for first time buyers and those in mortgage arrears under threat of eviction; the 1.5 million homes improved under decent homes and the further commitment to the programme (tonight I was delivering letters to some of the many West Ham ward estates which have been utterly transformed under “decent homes”).

As opposed to Tory/Lib Dem plans to savage, slash and burn the public housing programme, to get rid of security of tenure, increase all rents to market levels; gerrymander by exporting their poor out of Tory boroughs; making all councils and housing associations put out to tender all their housing management functions and driving down all wages, terms and conditions to the level of the modern day Rachman Housing & Social Care PLCs.

If you work in housing you can of course already get a taste of Tory plans for staff at Notting Hill Housing Group!


Polleetickle said...

so, what numbers of social housing did Labour build during their 'bouyant years' while its government maximised the nations debt? And, now that there's limited funds available how convenient is it for Labour to talk platitudes and feed fodder to its voters while in opposition - hoping at securing a coalition that would allow them to re-prioritise their manifesto and ditch unwanted policies?

John Gray said...

Hi Pollee

This post was actually from early 2010 and not while in opposition.

Labour didn't build enough homes but anything compared to the current 1930's low would look good. They did decide to spend money on "decent homes".

Don't forget this deficit has little to do with Labour over spending but everything to do with the fraud and theft by the British and international finance industry.