Friday, April 02, 2010

What have the Unions ever done for us?" Labourstart winner

Worthy winner of the first ever Labourstart Video competition is the Aussie "What have the unions ever done for us?".

TUC John Woods came 4th with "Just another cog in the wheel".

Also check out "What has UNISON has ever done for us?"

While original is of course best


Anonymous said...

Ascribing every positive part of social legislation to the Labour movement is a gross distortion of the facts. A ten year old with a basic grasp of British modern history can work it out. This sort of simplistic unbelievable woolly rubbish says more about the thinking in the modern Labour movement than any other form of political analysis. Is this really the best you can do? - it's pathetic. PS. Glad to see that Sir Stuart Rose of M&S - so frequently quoted by you - has publicly seen the light on Gordon's economic plans.

Anonymous said...

Bosses support tax cuts for bosses shock


were all in this together

oh andremind mewhat progressive social legislation did the Tories ever bring in

equal pay

on equal pay the Tories even want to stop women getting it because of the financial sitauation

made by the bosses

Anonymous said...

You need to brush up on your history old chap...Disraeli and Salisbury..slum clearance and town planning not to mention extending the vote to the working classes. Baldwin and Chamberlain with for example the widows and orphans pension act, the equal franchise Act 1928 and the depressed areas Act 1934. Six million families bought their council houses under Thatcher and the list goes on and don't have to agree with it but try to get your facts right.

John Gray said...

Hi anon
I don’t think the video did claim to take credit for all positive social legislation? I am of course glad that you do consider it to be positive. But leaving aside the Aussie bit it is clear that the trade unions have played a long and very successful role in promoting fairness and social justice.

I don’t think that I have ever quoted Sir Michael Rose? In fact I did report the shareholder revolt against him at the last M&S AGM!

I think you are confusing him with the blessed Baron Myners, the Labour City minister.

Who I once (mistakenly of course) as a trade union rep help sack as a manager for my pension fund.

Which shows we are all not perfect!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5th April : I take it you mean Joseph Chamberlain. If so, fair point.

His brother Neville of course is best remembered for Foreign policy......