Monday, April 26, 2010

Hazards Poster on Workers' Memorial Day

Check out further resources for Workers' Memorial Day at the Hazards site.


Anonymous said...

sofa chemical hell

Health & safety and PC correctness gone mad

John Gray said...

Hi anon

what rubbish - what about the thousands of people who are killed prematurely each year or seriously injured?

Is that H&S gone mad?

Anonymous said...

its was only babies and older people who got chemical burns from these sofas

stop health and safety correctness

profits before people

Anonymous said...

Anon -
I don't know what you are on about with the sofas, but even if as you say 'it was only babies and older people who got chemical burns from these sofas' do you not realise what a sick and inhuman Nazi bastard that makes you sound? Your mum must be so proud!