Mike handled the news very well. 45 Commando had suffered a number of casualties that tour and he obviously had gone through this awful waiting period before.
Mike had to leave the table during the meal to take a mobile telephone call. However, he came back to the table to tell us that bizarrely a very close friend of his had just won £50,000 on a lottery scratch card! His friend had texted a photo of the winning card. So good news!
A little while later Mike had another text to ring his Mum and he left the table suddenly. A short time later he came back with a big smile; his brother had rang his Mum from Afghanistan, and was safe and sound. Big cheers from everyone at the table.
We were a happy family who enjoyed their meal but I think we were all aware of those families who did not have good news this Christmas or beforehand. Our thoughts are with them all.
Our thanks to all British forces personnel who are putting themselves in harms way. Hero’s everyone of them, Per Mare Per Terram (or Air).
It is very stressful for the families of service personnel. Certainly the advent of new technologies makes it easier for families to check up on their loved ones who are serving in Afghanistan. Let's hope that next Christmas service men and women are safe at home.
Lets hope he's not driving around in a crappy snatch landrover - courtesy of Gordon Brown.
Hi Charlie
Technology and fast communications actually adds to the stress I think! Reports about causalities are spread more quickly than official lists. Probably not a lot you can do about this. I would to see all troops home next Christmas but I doubt it. There is still a job that needs doing.
Hi Anon
Do you remember the days when the “Brits” were praised by the right wing UK media trash for not wearing hard hats, body armour or using armoured vehicles unlike the so-caled cowardly Americans? So its all Gordon’s fault whether British forces use fast tactical snatch land rovers or slow heavily armoured fighting vehicles for specific missions?
Don’t be such a donkey Comrade.
John you no nothing about the state of the armed forces - only what you read in the Guardian.
Hi Anon
There is no hope for enlightenment for me then – since I don’t as a rule read The Grauniad.
I find it odd that Tories like Anon don't blame Gordon Brown for sending the troops to Afghanistan in the first place. Perhaps it's because they're attacks are only party political?
Hi Charlie
Yes, but, no but... Anon is clearly making partisan attacks. But it is perfectly proper to criticise the government over procurement and supply if only he or she could marshal some better arguments
I have given up marshalling better arguments..if you don't accept that the criticism from the many senior officers is genuine or that Brown only went to the MOD once in his whole time as Chancellor. That the Govt appoint a part time Minister of the armed forces.. what's the point? When did you last see anyone in the cabinet with a wounded serviceman on the TV - this is in direct contrast to US policians. The cabinet are unprincipled cowards.
Hi Anon
I have no doubt that some criticism is genuine. Mistakes have been made; there has never been a campaign where mistakes have never been made. My feeling is that on the whole this government has done a good job. There is more to be done (e.g. service housing). I really don’t see why it is relevant that Gordon “only” went to the MOD once? His office was directly opposite the MOD. He was the Chancellor not the Minister of Defence. You are being petty about a “part time” minister as well. I have seen pictures of cabinet ministers with disabled and disfigured servicemen and frankly I don’t think we want that type of coverage that you get in the states. Pointless name calling doesn’t help your cause either.
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