On a more practical point I also received today this “Face book” message from Hope Not Hate.
“Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is an international day of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust and other genocides - Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda to name but a few.It commemorates the victims and honours the survivors of the Nazi genocide as well as more recent genocides, in an effort to ensure that these unimaginable horrors are neither forgotten nor indeed repeated, either in Europe or anywhere in the world ever again.
This year's Holocaust Memorial Day is based on an important theme - to stand up against hatred. And I'm writing to ask you to join me in doing just that. Over the past few years, Nick Griffin has made a series of disgusting and degrading statements about the Holocaust.
To call him to account we've launched a petition to demand that he retracts these horrendous statements.We'd like you to sign it -http://action.hopenothate.org.uk/apologisenow
While on trial for incitement to racial hatred, Griffin wrote -"I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into lamp shades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the earth is flat ... I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch-hysteria."
In an interview with the Mail on Sunday Griffin added: "It's well known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended."
We need your help in fighting back against these disgusting and degrading lies. The Holocaust remains a horrific scar on humanity's conscience - but the Nazi message of hate still remains a corrosive force within our society. It damages all of us. Only by confronting and defeating this hate can we build a country based on humanity and justice. We must fight his lies and he must be held to account.
Please join our campaign to get Griffin to publicly retract these remarks and then invite your friends to do the same.
Thank you.HNH
No mention of Stalins mass murder,20 million,oh, I forgot he's your hero.Desprate little John.
So far, hundreds of British troops have been killed in both Afghanistan and Iraq, in wars which have nothing to do with Britain and which were justified on the basis of a pack of lies generated by the liars in the Labour Party and supported by their fellow war criminals in the Tory party. STAND UP TO HATRED.
"No mention of Stalins mass murder,20 million,oh, I forgot he's your hero."
No, Cossack Tom, you Richard.
Hi Anon
It is a complicated world out there but there is a huge difference between Nazi genocide and Stalin’s mass murder of his political opponents (real or imagined).
Hi Anon 2
So you compare the decision to go to War in Iraq and Afganisatan with Nazi genocide? Oh well we do live in a democracy I suppose. You’re a price worth paying.
Hi Tom
Hi Anon3
Интересное замечание.
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