My own personal blog. UNISON NEC member for Housing Associations & Charities, HA Convenor, London Regional Council Officer & Chair of its Labour Link Committee. Newham Cllr for West Ham Ward, Vice Chair of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, Pension trustee, Housing & Safety Practitioner. Centre left and proud member of Labour movement family. Strictly no trolls please. Promoted by Luke Place on behalf of J.Gray, Newham Labour Group, St Luke’s Community Centre, E16 1HS.
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With the greatest respect in the world, I think our reps have more important things to concern themselves with than Obama's inaugeration.The credit crunch and redundancies, spring to mind here.
Hi Ian
Oh - come off it, stop being a wuss - let’s have a little bit of fun and so many of us are really excited about the prospect of change in America. I know that some sados are gleefully sharpening their knifes waiting for the great moment to stick it in his back.
He is certainly not going to meet everyone’s expectations. But who really cares.
Quite right, Ian.
It’s bloody sickening all these “trade unionists” wasting their time celebrating this kind of nonsense.
I think in these times of credit crunch and the Gaza crisis and the Tories on the rise that its really important we keep our noses to the grindstone.
After all, what is there to celebrate anyway?
Just what is so great about the election of a black man to the US Presidency? Maybe inspiring young black people to think they could aspire to such a position and make a real difference? Yeah, right!
Just because he beat the Republicans? So what, eh – who needs a democrat?
Just because his victory has seen the leaders of US trade union organisations starting to look at a united approach? What use is that to the working classes when they could be navel-gazing on the thoughts of a bunch of dead white revolutionaries?
Just because Obama’s victory might give a glimmer of hope of being someone who could make things a bit better for working people? Bollocks – who needs hope?
So, Ian, you wear your sackcloth and ashes and, if you happen to be passing, maybe peep in at the window of some trade unionists taking a couple of hours out of their busy scheduleto have a little celebration. Go ahead, scowl a bit.
But we will raise a glass to what we hope will see the world maybe get a little bit better. Because its just plain good to be optimistic amongst friends and because unremitting and bleak pessimism makes you a sick person.
And after we have toasted Barack Obama we will go back to fighting the good fight.
You sad little man.
Thanks anonymous. I appreciate your comment. Blimey, this sack cloth is itchy!!
Hi Ian
Well - you were a bit daft over the Obama inaugeration I think.
Obama is so, so important to so many people that frankly I don't think this is a time to take the mick.
But its your choice and right to do so.
John . I cant take away how people feel about Obama. I am just very cynical about him. Obviously if proved wrong I am proud enough to eat good old humble pie. We will see in four or eight years time.
Hi Ian
Well said. Here's hoping that you will be eating a lot of pie in the future!
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