Sunday, March 15, 2009

West Ham tackles desperate Blues in Royal Docks Thriller

This morning I helped out in a canvass team from West Ham Labour Party which was led by our MP Lyn Brown in the Royal Docks By-election.

Photo – From left -Forhad Hussain; Cllr Jon Knott (UNISON member); Ray Smith; Lyn Brown MP (UNISON member); Alan Griffiths (UNISON member); John Cullen and Cllr Winston Vaughan

The Tories have taken their gloves off and have decided in a new leaflet to accuse Labour of “lies and deceit” and make personal attacks on the Labour Candidate, Steve Brayshaw. Which is a shame for the political process but it is not entirely unexpected.

They are also copying the discredited and dishonest Alan Craig practice of publishing a misleading bar chart that claims that “Only 20 votes separates Labour and local man Neil Pearce”. Leaving to one side for now that Steve and tory candidate, Neil Pearce, live within 5 minutes walk of each other so it is a bit strange to suggest that Steve is not himself local? The bar chart refers to the 2008 GLA election but doesn't say so. Pearce may have a high opinion of himself but he is no “Boris”.

The proper comparison should be with the 2006 Council election when Pearce came bottom of all the Tory candidates and their average vote was only 515 votes while the average Labour vote was 761. The last Council election was not “close”.

Later I was sent off to lead a canvass team of Newham Councillors – Cllr Winston Vaughan; Cllr Mary Skyers; Cllr Alec Kelloway and Cllr Andrew Baikie.

Today, the weather was warm and very sunny, the reaction from voters was positive and I saw the first tree blossom of the year.

Spring is well on its way and the tories are obviously feeling desperate since they are resorting to personal abuse.

So all in all, it was a good day.


Anonymous said...

I've not seen Neil's latest leaflet.

Can you specify the abuse in the leaflet.

Anonymous said...

Still not posting Steve Brayshaws leaflets then?

Anonymous said...

Seeing as you quote the lies and deceit. You will see , as you are so clever , that it does not even mention Steve Brayshaw.I also remind you that petititions were collected with 100s of signatures were actually collected by NP against airport expansion (which Labour Council counted as 1 complaint)There is absolutely NO PERSONAL ATTACK on SB. Dont know why you have to lie.Desperation? I also hope Mark Skyers was kindly telling people that she had voted for expansion.
We are still waiting for you to post Steve Brayshaws leafelet.

Labour should say "sorry" over City Airport lies.....

Angry residents complained to Neil Pearce about Labours campaign of lies and deceit.

Labour councillors , who voted to double the number of flights at City Airport are falsely claiming that Conservatives want to expand the airport with and runways.

The National Party has denied any plans.

Neil said "Having led from the front against Airport expansion in the media , the Town Hall and on the streets , this desperate Labour lies is a disgrace.

Wesley Avenue Resident Rich Smith sail "Neil has campaigned tirelessly against the expansion of the Airport - and with his petition he has signed by 500 local residents.

Given the chance , I believe Neil will make a positive difference.

Neil added "I have the back-bone and conviction to say what I believe in."

Evelyn road resident Karl Schofield "Labour have been too busy in pushing 41,000 extra flights"Im backing Neil Pearce"

Anonymous said...

Well, I voted for Labour last time but not this time.

Labour have been saying that Neil wants a second runway. This is a lie. AND rather desperate.

You must compare like with like Mr. Gray.

Also, Neil is getting married to a black woman from South Africa so I know that he is not a 'racist' - as some people insinuate.

Anonymous said...

Re.Lies and Deceit ?

Perhaps Ex -Tory Coumcillor Mike Law is indeed an honest chap then ?

So maybe he should publish his Council Rent Account details from his last (Tory )year on the Council ?

Anonymous said...



Vote anyone else but these fools please Royal Docks.

Have you not learnt your lesson yet?

Anonymous said...

Anon 18 March 00:19

Maybe you should show a bit of spine and post under your real name...

I'd be interested to know how you accessed my rent file and what you think you found there.


Am so pleased you put that post on your blog.