Friday, March 27, 2009

"Cuddly Cameron" threats to your rights at work

Just received an email from unionstogther with this new video pointing out to ordinary trade union members the real consequences of Tory leader, David Cameron’s plan to pull out of the European Social Chapter.

“He wants to scrap the legal guarantee that gives us four weeks paid holiday, the right to be consulted about changes at work and our entitlement to parental leave - denying the legal right for parents to spend time with their newborn babies in the critical first few weeks. That's just three examples - but Cameron's threatening dozens more of your rights”.

Sign a petition against this here and fw copies of the email to friends and colleagues.


Anonymous said...

Can't we also have a petition on getting Tony mcNulty to return 60 grand of our money? - here's a grreat film by the BBC showing how near to Parliament his various houses are..

Anonymous said...

What is haig up to
with all that Money ?????

What Tory MP employed his son (while at University) and all his family to work for him


If you hate bankers why vote for Eton Bankers

tally ho