The tower blocks were managed by the Council owned ALMO “Newham Homes”. While I am not a fan of ALMOs the blocks had just undergone a high quality major refurbishment under the “decent homes” programme. Some works were still ongoing but I did not hear a single complaint about the works done nor about the contractors. Well done I think to everyone involved.
The Tories while in power staved Councils of money to refurbish and modernise their housing stock. Labour is making a difference up and down the country with the “decent homes” project. There are still problems but tonight talking to people (our people) I felt really proud of what had been done. It is not only about new kitchens and bathrooms. The tower blocks themselves looked clean, in very good repair and well looked after by staff and residents.
Picture of Pat and Kay tonight and top right last week’s canvass team just down the road with local ward Councillor Anthony McAlmont. In one of the blocks we visited last week there was this wonderful titled poster in the ground floor foyer (left).
Labour arrogance is breathtaking.
The people in these Newham Homes flats are up in arms over the noise and polution from London City Airport.
But of course they are quietened down. The chair of Newham Homes is Richard Gooding. Who just happen to be the Director of London City Airport.Conflict of Interest ayone?
I also see that Councillor Amarjit Singh is tucked away in the back of the picture. He was one of the cllrs who voted for airport expansion - god to see he finally came down to see what he voted on.
I also see that one of Mr Brayshaws action plan targets is for Noise Insulation at Schools. Why? We down hear have been led to believe by RD Cllrs that there is no noise problem.So they voted on Airport expansion.
I also see that his campaign is sponsored by Alec Kellaway - The same alec kellaway exposed in Private Eye for a share holding in WPP / Hill and Knowlton who worked for the airport.
And still no mention of the horrific airport pollution - 50% above EU levels causing lung problems.And no mention of Cllr Tucker dying suddenly from a sever asthma attack. That Labour would not stand up and demand action on pollution and fumes in Royal Docks after losing one of your own to asthma is shameful. Really reall shameful.
Come come, surely you are a fan of Newham Homes, be it a ALMO or not, especially when Richard Gooding CEO of London City Airport is the Chair!
And I do believe the councillor in your picture is indeed the one whom chaired the planning committee over LCA - all because most of your own labour colleagues couldn't say no to free gifts and hospitality from the airport for the past few years!
Labour has made a real difference in the Docks - yes it has managed to increase noise levels up to nearly 100dbs from expanding LCA flights. Yes, the long suffering residents who have no choice in where they live will surely be most grateful to Labour for that! Along with the increased asthma levels and the affect on the development of their children.
Hi Anon
What nonsense are you going on about? People have proper concerns but are not “up in arms about noise and pollution”. Calm down please. What is wrong with a local businessman leader taking part in the local community? If he was a well known Tory (I have no idea what his actual political views are) no doubt you would not have a problem. Of course existing RD Cllrs and Steve recognise there are problems with noise from the airport. Why do you tell yourself lies? It is just weird. Alec Kellaway “exposed”? for declaring ownership shares in one of the biggest advertising companies in the world? Err – get a life please.
Blaming the death of Simon on the airport? Hmmm – don’t you realise what damage you do to “your” cause do you? You do no credit to those who have genuine concerns about this issue. I really don’t think you care about the airport noise levels at all. Either argue properly or not at all. Shame on you.
As usual lots of smoke and mirrors in your answer.
Can you point out where anyone has blamed Simons death on the airport?
The Asthma problem in Royal Docks is dreadful. That a Royal Docks councillor has died of Asthma and Labour have chosen to ignore NO2 readings and the effects it has on the community is shameful.
But no one blamed Simons death on the airport.Poor man.We know how difficult it is for asthma sufferers - especially in Royal Docks. In fact few knew he had died such was the urgency it was removed from Newham Council website.And as he didnt live in Royal Docks the airport would not have effected him. So I look forward to your clarification or the withdrawl of you comment that I have blamed the Airport on his death. You came to that conclusion yourself.
I would also like to clarify you assumption that if Richard Gooding was a Tory I would have no problem with that. From your response I am glad I am non-political.I have a problem with a business man using Newham Council to further cause misery on Royal Docks.I dont care if they are Tory or Labour. I refuse to see the community in such narrow terms that it has to be party political.
Richard Gooding is CE of London City Airport , who lives in Tower Hamlets , not under a flight path.
Richard is past Chairman and current Council Member of the Airport Operators Association, President of the Newham Chamber of Commerce, and a Council Member of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He is also involved in the voluntary sector as Chair of Newham Homes, a Non Executive Director of the Royal Docks Trust, Leaside Regeneration, Newham University Healthcare NHS, a Main Board Member of East London Business Alliance.
With that you also have IJP Regeneration.I urge you to have a look at them - but if you post this they will be onto you to remove it.They dont like to be mentioned.
People are actually up in arms over noise and pollution.There were just under 2000 complaints. Just a few under the total number of votes all 3 labour councillors received in the last election.Total.
Newham Council (Labour) dismissed these complaints and two petitions about expansion.with over 500 signees were classed as TWO by TWO people and not 500. People are so angry about this.
Then to picture a councillor campaigning on the doorstep who voted for expansion? Really? That how desperate you have become?
Nice picture of Cllr Murphy though. So nice of him to pop up from Hove. Of wait yes he is a "tenant" in Cllr Bowdens home. I forgot. Good to see he cares.
Hi Anon
You quite clearly implied that Simon Tucker died due to the airport? Why do people post things then deny it?
Actually this is the last time I am going to allow such personal remarks on the tragic death of Simon nor local businessmen such as Richard Gooding (who I have never met). You don’t come up with any facts regarding wrong doing you just want to smear while hiding cowardly behind you anonominity. Frankly anyone who wasn’t so clearly unhinged by oppositional politics should be glad that a local businessman is giving up so much of his time to local public bodies.
Current Councillors are fair game to a certain extent. I’m sure Pat will laugh off your nonsense. I don’t like moderating comments and usually only do it to open racists but if continue to be a plonker then it’s the delete button for you.
Labour has certainly made a difference to the royal docks in the way it's screwed it over and made it such a terrible place to live and work.
Please just leave of your own accord, that would be the best thing Labour could do for the whole of Newham and London.
Hi Anon
There are problems in Royal docks which need addressing but I really don’t understand people who enjoy running down areas.
Labour is never going to desert Newham or Royal Docks. Get use to it.
Of course they wont desert it.Its their gravy train.
"Labour is never going to desert Newham or Royal Docks. Get use to it."
Don't you mean "Labour is never going to IMPROVE Newham or Royal Docks. Get use to it."
John you either live in another world or you have had to many lessons in SPIN and believe your own Cr*p!
People in and around Newham are seeing what LB Newham (Labour) really bring to the area. Nothing but negativity and funds for their own pockets. Please listen to the residents and GET OUT, give someone else a chance to bring this part of London into the present.
Hi Anons
Now don’t be such rude Tory boys –
I can only assume that you have given up on democratically winning the ward and therefore your only hope is to ask Labour to withdraw?
May I respectfully suggest you don’t hold your breath?
Who said anything about being Tory. You've got Tory on the brain?
I'm a resident who has seen the light and am now looking at all the sides. Labour is already out as You've brought nothing to the area except what you can get out of it. I will be making sure all residents look at all the alternatives and see what Labour have really done. "NOTHING".
Having the Looney party in would be better than the current mob!
So do as whats being stated before please do the area a favour and "LEAVE"
John - Why do you assume that we are Tory boys? I am not - I am just a resident who was horrified to hear you slag off Neil Pearce who really has helped people in the community.
We know nothing about Steve Brayshaw as he has suddenly become a labour candidate. Since when hasd he been in Labour? How long is he a member? He worked ALONGSIDE other residents in Britannia Village. Royal Docks is more than Britannia Village. Even worse is that he points out what he will do to if he is elected.His action plan. Well why would he need an action plan - are the othe two labour councillors in Royal Docks not addressing these issues as we type? How will he increase the CCTV when Weasel Wales HIMSELF said the money was not there to do so?
Even worse was his flyer about the airport. There has never even been the suggestion of a second rumway at London City Airport.Its an impossibility.The space for it is not there.So why did he suggest that what the Conservitives wanted? Its appalling.
I actually feel sorry for Steve. Hes had his ego massaged by Weasel Wales , put forward as a canditate and will then be chucked to the wolves if he fails. He has to live there. Some of his neighbours are already extremly annoyed especially after he was against expansion and has now changed his tune.He will soon be forgotten when you are all fighting for your seats next year.
Printed and Promoted by Alec Kellaway on behalf of Steve Brayshaw BOTH of 8 Constable Avenue.
I may be dimwitted but the wording may be commonplace in elections but its not common place in the english LANGUAGE.In english it means they are BOTH of that address.
Hi Anon 1
So "nothing"? well,we will see.
H Anon 2
Steve is a really good local candidate. There will be a response to the tory smears very soon. I can't wait!
Hi Anon 3
Yes, you are dim witted.
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