Sunday, March 22, 2009

Royal Docks By-election – The Final Countdown

This weekend the weather was very kind to friend and political foe. It was warm and there was lots of bright spring sunshine - perfect for canvassing.

I was delivering targeted letters to addresses across the ward yesterday and this morning. This delivery was really complicated and quite a headache. Thankfully our super efficient organiser, Lisa, had arranged the route and marked the map. I was trying to puzzle out where an address in Pier Parade was when 3 Tory canvassers walked past and one said to me “it's the man with the Blog, Mr Gray!” I responded with my best cheery North Walian “Hi yer”!

This is a really a diverse and complex ward, yesterday outside the ultra modern City airport I saw two horse and cart “trotters” charge by - both driven by young women drivers. In Britannia village a black cat ran across the road in front of 2 young black teenagers one of whom asked the other if this was lucky? The other responded by saying “why does it has to be a Black cat - why not a white one?” Why indeed? While coming down in the rather small lift in one tower block with a young family, who had a very large Shar Pei dog with them, I asked what was the dog’s name? They responded it was “R....” and that it was a “Tory dog”. I replied that it was far too nice a dog to be a Tory and that it must be a “Labour dog”. The father said it would be a BNP dog but they did not want to lose their home. The dog then started to bark enthusically at me. I took it as his agreement that he was a Labour dog - but maybe not.

Today on the way to telecanvass in Stratford I saw Jim Fitzpatrick MP “on the knocker”.

While ringing residents this afternoon I managed to have really serious conversations about the election and why they should vote for Labour. Hopefully these “promises” will turn into actually votes. I've mentioned this theme before. What I think is important is while there is nothing better than actually speaking to people “face to face” there are other effective forms of communication. Telecanvassing can actually reach people who may not be comfortable talking to us directly and will just close the door, but they will speak to us honestly on the telephone. This is interesting stuff.

Some faces in the main college are of course Steve himself, John Saunders on the phone, John Whitworth and Cllr Sharaf Mahmood.


Anonymous said...

Well you still have not posted Steve Brayshaws leaflet. One can only wonder why.

What nice respectaful people those Torys are - Calling you Mr Gray. Nice to hear that.

Unfortunately one canvasser bumped into Hove Councillor , whoops sorry , Royal Docks Councillor Pat Murphy and said nice to meet you and stook out his hand to shake Pat Murphys hand to which Pat Murphy responds - Im not shaking your hand.

What a petty rude silly man. Whether or not he wants to shake someones hand who is canvassing for the Torys it would be worth remembering that this guy livesin Royal Docks and Murphy represents hims as a Cllr. Silly man!!

Good to hear Lisa was up too - Seems that Murphy is not the only one up from Hove for the weekend.

Funny that a resident says he would vote for the BNP but is afraid of losing his home. Are Labour run Newham Homes threatening people?

Anonymous said...

But why should they vote for Labour? I don't see what difference an extra one on the majority of "Sir" Robin's little army of troops makes.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it will help or hinder Labour's chances that McNulty claims 60 grand of taxpayers money for his "parents" house in his constituency, just nine miles from his own house? Maybe he will get away with it like Jacquie Smith - what a joke! Why is it that these Ministers have so little comprehension of the damage their grasping does! Good old Labour!

Anonymous said...

Or lternatively what about Nigel Griffiths - "interviwing" a naughty lady in his Westminster office - another socialist man of the people? How outstanding - puts shagger Prescott (Labour)to shame! What a great example.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon 08.42
I think it was you who has (or someone similar) posted copies of Steve’s leaflets on-line – even if you do use a website that allows “pop ups” to advertise pornography. I know the Tories have supposed to have changed but really...

I’m sure with Pat and the unknown Tory there was some genuine misunderstanding. Pat is of course a genuine grass roots trade unionist and I’m sure will have no problems shaking any Tory firmly... by the throat (Joke).

Please read the post properly. The reference was to calling his dog “BNP” not who he voted for.

Hi Anon 12.53
Its the principal. We like living in a tory free zone.

Hi Anon 18.21
Fair point – this doesn’t do any Party any good, mind the Tories are just as bad (nannygate). I think Tom has realised he has made a mistake and fair play to him for admitting to it.

Hi Anon 18.26
Well, to be honest I think there is more important issues to be concerned about – don’t you?

Anonymous said...

So you are not going to post the Steve Brayshaw leaflet then?

Anonymous said...

"Hi Anon 18.26
Well, to be honest I think there is more important issues to be concerned about – don’t you?"

Well actually its about trust. If that poor wife cant trust her husband to do the right and moral thing - how can the public trust him to do the right and moral thing as an MP.
Trust is an extremly important issue.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 23rd March 8.42---evict people for voting BNP?

Well it is a secret ballot and there is of course no explicit BNP Candidate in this By-Election.

Newham Homes does evict people for rent arrears though .......

Anonymous said...

Please please please post Steve Brayshaws new leaflet - Front and Back.

Ps and if you could also post the phone number to the TRUTH LINE (No shouting thats whats it called lol)

John Gray said...

Hi Anon 21.46
Nah – the tories have published the leaflets but they have done so on sites that have porn “pop ups”. Nuf said I suppose.

Hi Anon 21.53
Yes, but, no but - It is a personal family disaster and certainly nothing to gloat over.

Hi Anon 17.48
Haven’t a clue, not a clue what you are going on about!

Hi Anon 21.12
No to Tory porn! – but ring 08705 900 200 for the truth line?