Friday, March 20, 2009

Warm Woollies turns into Iceland

Okay, it is actually good news for the Roman Road (Bow, London) that this closed Woolworths (a few minutes away from where I work) is being converted into an Iceland store.

In Forest Gate the "Woollies" has been turned into a Tesco Express which is also I think an assert to the local community.

It is still a real shame that the Woolworth chain collapsed. I didn’t visit the store that often like many others but of course now it is closed I am always running out of “essential” domestic items that they would have stocked (e.g. R50 light bulbs, batteries, gloves and Birthday cards!).

No longer will we use the phrase "I'll just pop into Woollies".


Robert said...

Well highly paid jobs anyway.

John Gray said...

Hi Robert

Nice to see you back.

Tim Roll-Pickering said...

The Forest Gate Woolies actually closed back in October before the main announcements came of the chain collapsing. However conversion to a Tesco's took a while (contrast with the larger Stratford branch becoming a 99p shop in a matter of weeks!).

Whilst the arrival of Tesco's has been fantastic for the area, I do find myself missing being able to just pop out and buy a few of the things only Woolies sold in the immediate area, particularly DVDs. Still every silver lining has a cloud.