My own personal blog. UNISON NEC member for Housing Associations & Charities, HA Convenor, London Regional Council Officer & Chair of its Labour Link Committee. Newham Cllr for West Ham Ward, Vice Chair of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, Pension trustee, Housing & Safety Practitioner. Centre left and proud member of Labour movement family. Strictly no trolls please. Promoted by Luke Place on behalf of J.Gray, Newham Labour Group, St Luke’s Community Centre, E16 1HS.
Looks great! Just how big were those balloons?
Forget how big they were - I want to know where they filled with all the hot air coming out of John Gray?
Were you marching to ask Brown how he has managed to squander the golden economic situation Labour inherited? Labour . ..and specifically the "iron Chancellor" have really F***** up...the party of economic competence! What a laugh.
Good to see Jacquie Smith is going to pay back the money she claimed in expenses for watching adult entertainment videos in her house! How sordid.
Here's great link to an explanation about how Brown has screwed us.
"We now have worse debt as a percentage of GDP than Pakistan or Hungary where the IMF has already been called in"..great Brown's expression.
john why do you allow tory trollers to post anon comments? I know they make fools of themselves but they are very, very boring.
Tories scandal
the last Tory PM spent his time shagging Edwina Currie
now that scandal
And what of Lord Ashcroft of Belize
sex drugs and fraud
and what of poor Mr Haig travelling the world to speak to bankers
we need a Tory governmnet to get better scandal
Just how many people lost thir jobs and houses under the Tories
they do things so much better than Labour
Never mind the balloons, that South East banner was bloody difficult to manage!
Nice to see our glorious Regional Secretary and Convenor nattering away to The Bickerstaff. He grabbed my arm and said he was pleased to see me.
Unlike our Glorious Regional Secretary, who grabbed my arm to make me hold the banner. :(
My pics can be found here:
What about telling us some more about how "Labour are the party of economic competence" - you seem to have gone quiet on that one?
They have got no time to deal with the economy they are too busy claiming back their expenses! What a joke - and we are paying for it -no money to fund children's hospices but apparently it's OK to fiddle their second home allowances - what a superb example to the rest of the public sector. Can you imagine what would happen if a local authority worker fiddled their expenses like the Home secretary! And her husband - also funded by in her "second home" watching Porno films at our expense! You couldn't make this up! Talk about a Banana Republic - or was that the title of one of Jacquie's movies? If there is any justice many of these Labour MP's will be in their last jobs.
What fantastic newpaper headline today!...just in time for Obama and all the other G20heads of State to enjoy some light reading... "British Minister Promises to Pay for Porn"..Ha, ha, ha
Hi John, Just like to say on the
G20, The police are saying we are up for this, For what giving people a good kicking they are talking about full force, no mercy, rapid strike,we will take you on, This was said by a senior copper, can they Reilly police this with talk like that, Just waiting for you to step out of line and you get it. No group as said we are going to take the police on.
I feel sorry for John - There he goes defending his core Labour / Union beliefs not relising that they were sold off to the highest bidder years ago.
He wants to defend the working man (very honourable) but then gets involved with the Newham idiots who are more corrupt than a tinpot regime.
The public are paying for the couch that jacquis smiths husbands bare hairy ass sits on while he watches the porn we pay for , in the house we pay for , doing a job we pay for.Unforgivable.
Banana Republic see Michael Ashcroft
PM Porn see John Mayor and Edwina
paid for by the tax payers
tally Ho
Smash the bankers
smash the Tory front bench
A whiff of grapeshot is all that's needed to answer this rabble. They have no programme but simply a riot of incoherent wishful thinking. Come the revolution they will be the first against the wall. And probably shot by their 'own' side.
Did you see "glamour star" outside Jacqui's second home that we are paying for delivering some porno films for her husband. We pay for him and her house.. unbelievable. Or the April 1st joke in the paper with Jacqui coming out of Ann Summers.. what a laughing stock! I have enjoyed this so much!! It's couldn't make it up..ha,ha. I live abroad and the press here think its simply hilarious!! What next!!! Wife swapping in the cabinet meetings. it's great...
I remember Gray blogging about some Tory Buffoon that made a smutty joke about nurses...he was outraged!! No comment on Jacqui's husband/civil servant claiming back for Porn films .. in a house we pay for...she's only the "Two Home" Secretary?? How sordid! Jacqui was outraged and her husband..he will no doubt be spanked later!!
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