Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Royal Docks Tory "lies, deceit and hypocrisy" over City Airport

While I don’t necessary expect political parties to conform to Marquess of Queensbury Rules while fighting local elections, I don’t think official Party leaflets should be telling lies or making personally abusive accusations either.

The latest official Tory leaflet being delivered in the Royal Docks by-election in Newham, East London is pretty dire and depressing for anyone who cares about local democracy regardless of Party.

This official A4 double sided leaflet has the main title “- SEE INSIDE FOR THE TRUTH AND LIES!” Inside indeed there is a headline that “Labour should say “sorry” over City Airport lies...” Strong stuff you would think. There is more. “Angry residents complained to Neil Pearce about Labour’s campaign of lies and deceit” (their emphasis). “Labour Councillors....are falsely claiming the conservatives want to expand the airport with and runaways.” (Not all that sure what that means in English?)”The National Party it has denied any plans”.Neil (says)..., this desperate lies is a disgrace” etc.

So Labour is telling lies, is being deceitful and is a disgrace says Tory boy Neil?

On the same page as the accusation of lies and deceit they clearly imply that Labour Candidate Steve Brayshaw is complicit in these “lies” and that he is “untrustworthy” - see the “ITS A QUESTION OF TRUST?” headline about a planning meeting that Steve could not attend since he was teaching at the time in his college!

Many local Tories have got very excited about such matters – one of them has apparently even made a complaint to the Electoral commission regarding “false claims”.

So Labour claims that the National Conservative Party supports the expansion of City Airport are just lies and deceit then?

So why did the “The Times” (that well known socialist rag) report hereTories clear the way for more flights from small airports”. This article was by the surely inconsequential figure - “The Times” Chief Political Correspondent, Sam Coates.

Let us now be crystal clear “The Conservatives said yesterday that they were willing to expand airport capacity in the South East despite the party’s environmental opposition to a third runway at Heathrow".

"Luton, City Airport or Southend could be allowed increased numbers of flights or an extra runway under the Tories” (my emphasis)

Tory Mayor, Boris Johnson is now a well known enthusiastic supporter of expansion at City Airport. While Tory GLA member Roger Evans has referred to the City Airport protesters as “Climate change Taliban”.

So the Labour leaflets that accurately reported that the Tories are in favour of increasing City airport capacity or even building an extra runway (despite this being difficult to see how) are not “false” it’s not “lies” and it’s not “deceitful” either.

So should those responsible for “City Airport lies” attacks say they are sorry to Steve and the Labour Party? I’m not holding my breath.

Actually I think the (deliberate) decision to personally attack and try to smear Steve and the local Party is a sign of desperation. They were not getting anywhere by any legitimate campaigns so they have decided to resort to plain old abuse.

Now, me getting on my blogging high horse and slating the 'orribble Tories is one thing, putting official Party leaflets out falsely calling your opponents liars and untrustworthy is just plain wrong and is not I think going to impress the electors of Royal Docks.

The only good thing it does possibly do is to make people wonder what sort of candidate Neil Pearce is if he feels he has to imply that his opponent is an untrustworthy and deceitful lair.

To me it just reminds us all that things haven’t changed all that much under cuddly Cameron and the Tories (not all of them) are still the “Nasty Party”.


Anonymous said...

Any chance you will post Brayshaws leaflet then?

First off you must be have problems understanding the english language again - That link you say that someone has complained is wrong - It says he seeked advice which is not the same as a complaint.But after the Lewisham debacle I can understand why you would be nervous.

Page 3 of the Weasel Wales puppet Steve Brayshaws Leaflet -

"Which Party has proposed a second runway at City Airport?" The Convertatives are circled as the answer.

Please point out where The Conservatives proposed a second runway please?

I will even quote your emphasised line -
"Luton, City Airport or Southend could be allowed increased numbers of flights or an extra runway under the Tories” (my emphasis)

So a REPORTER has said that the Tories COULD be allowed increase numbers of flights OR an extra runway at Luton , City Airport or Southend.

So please tell me where the Tories have proposed a second runway at City Airport?

Newham council have increased flights and not one councillor from the Labour party has objected.
And before you get on like the rest of them about jobs , I will remind you that only one who spoke sense on the airport was Ken Livingston who said CLOSE IT DOWN!

The very worst thing is BOTH paties spend all this time trying to get one over on each other and beat each other.Its all about PARTY POLITICS and PEOPLE POLITICS are forgotten about.

It is a LIE to say Tories have proposed a second runway.The airport has confirmed they have never even been contacted by the Tories (Though they do have Newham Labour party in their pockets)

You are very quick to jump to moral indignation but REFUSE to post STEVE BRAYSHAWS leaflet to make up their own minds.
This might help - its off the blog you quoted from -

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Stop SHOUTING please! BTW Your link does not appear to work - is it the same XXX link that Tory Tim has?

Anonymous said...

This is the link


Its not an XXX link but may have a pop up.Let the page load.

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm a resident of the Royal Docks. I have been for the past 5 years. I do not want to give my name as I do not want Labour to knock on my door.
I am disgusted at this blog site and the rubbish this John Gray puts out. I am going to enquire on who to complain to and report John.
I have read through many of the articles and have had some interesting discussions with my neighbors and friends. I have not met of even heard of Steven Brayshaw and have seen no real benefit that Labour claim they have brought into the area in my time here. I have heard of Neil Pearce and have heard him speak in Newham Town Hall regarding City Airport. I agree with many of the things he spoke about and was shocked at the outcome that the council decided on. London City Airport is a real issue. I have tried to sell my home but at this time cannot due to it loosing value, partly due to the rescission but as I've been told also due to London City Airport and it's expansion. The noise and pollution it causes is terrible and having such an airport in a high population area is unbelievable.
I've read both flyers from the Tory's and labour and I have to say I and my neighbors are disgusted at the tripe Labour are coming out with. With this blog you have made my mind up on who I will be voting for and it is not going to be Labour. I believe I can speak for most of my neighbors and state the same for them.

A Royal Dock Resident

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show you cant be too careful.

Anonymous said...

'I am disgusted at this blog site and the rubbish this John Gray puts out. I am going to enquire on who to complain to and report John'.

Makes a change from 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' I suppose.

'I believe I can speak for most of my neighbors and state the same for them'.

LOL,FFS,a self appointed spokesperson for you and your neighbours are you!!


Anonymous said...

Where would you put a second runway at City Airport? In the Albert Dock? Sounds like rubbish to me.

Anonymous said...

i was shocked to hear the lies from labor door callers saturday who told me that the torries were rasists and wanted to send afrikans like me back to afrika yet when the torrie door callers came round 2 of there parents was from afrika and it was not truth

i am going to be voting torrie for first time ever to send message to labor lies

Anonymous said...

Anon - If someone made allegations about racism against a canditate you should go to the police.That would go for any political party.That sort of disgusting behaviour needs to be stamped out.If you are frightened to go to the police remember its anonymous to go through crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Anonymous said...

You are hate filled to everyone who disagree with you! You give you party a bad name.

Anonymous said...


You are as arrogant as your Labour Colleague. I am a resident and have nothing to do with politics. I see you can't believe that someone in the Royal Docks won't vote Labour. You may be in for a surprise many and I mean many other residents in the area are going to just you off. As it now seems may happen.


Anonymous said...

Mr Law

As Mr Gray has pontificated about every other parties leaflet yet still refuse to post Steve Brayshaws - You can see what last weeks leaflt says -

"Which Party has proposed a second runway at City Airport?" The Convertatives are circled as the answer.

It can be seen here

So you can see it is a lie and is deceitful.

But to quote someone about Newham Council....

Newham Council managers expect trade union stewards to betray confidences to managers. What utter scum bags

Oh wait - That was John Gray himself :) On this very blog.

Anonymous said...

Who made the racist comments while "pretending" to be "black" and trying to prove it with spelling and grammar mistakes? Shame on you. You think African people cannot spell? What a fantasy story as well. I hope that Tory central office will find out who he is and drum him out.

Anonymous said...

Phone Crimestoppers? Wasting Police time? This person is now a criminal as well as a racist and should be exposed. All Conservatives should be ashamed of this person.

Anonymous said...

To show you how much you can trust John Gray and Labour just look at John's profile. He states
"This is my own personal blog which has nothing to do officially with my trade union, my employer or the Labour Party. These are my own views"


Keep the Labour mantra going SIN, SPIN, SPIN thats all you all can do.

Anonymous said...

Anon 19 March 2009 (07.15)

Who said it was a Tory? Why oh why do you all think that anything negative said against Labour is only from the Tory's. Residents are fed up with Labour, I'm 1 of them. I will not put my name on here as I do not want Labour to try contact me, I've had enough of it.

Anonymous said...

Is it not interesting that the Offical Tory candidate in this By-Election is so opposed to the Airport ?

Why interesting ? Because it was the LDDC, set up by Pearce's hero, Maggie Thatcher, who proposed and built the Airport .

Paul Clark's posting on Conservative Home is an interesting read in this connection.

What are you saying Neil, -- is Maggie still your hero ?

Let me know yeah,-- how about in the So Bar (or Novotel bar , --another one of your watering holes )one night !?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Anon - Are you really now blaming Thatcher on the Airport?

Im sure then you will be doing everything to have IJP Regeneration removed from the Royal Docks Trust , Britannia Village and at London City Airport where ex members of the LDDC living off the fat of the land for over 20 years.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to recognise a certain style among Anon. contributor here.

Methinks it is a certain Labour councillor who is a great admirer of a former Conservative PM.

If I'm correct, why not have the backbone to state who you are?

Anonymous said...

Firstly I should point out that unlike all of the above posters, I have no affinity to either party in this argument.

I'm just a resident in Britannia Village (of of those you lot are supposed to be targetting when you finish your petty arguing), who has received campaigning leaflets from both candidates.

To be honestly truthful, I have never spent enough time engaging in Newham politics and therefore know nothing about the personalities. I moved here only eight months ago but do intend to exercise my vote. I spend my 9-5 at work in the Wharf and therefore haven't been doorstepped by any campaigners (do they only target out-of-work people?).

So I've ended up on here mostly out of amusement. Having chuckled over the row that has sparked in the campaigning leaflets from both parties, here's my non-partisan take on things:

Steve Bradshaw made a mistake and he probably realised it as soon as he was taken to task over it. What in Christ's sake was he thinking by quoting a newspaper article in his campaign against the Conservatives? Having googled the man more, it is evident he is not a career politican and has just made a very foolish mistake in his bid to win over the largely unread and uneducated majority of voters (sorry for those that don't like me saying this, but I think we can all agree the Royal Docks has issues of social depravation and low education with high employment, therefore I am not wrong in stating this). Perhaps this subject has taught Steve a thing or two about politics and campaigning. If he wants to be taken seriously, he should check his facts before making wild statements. I won't just knock him as he has clearly done good things in the community and seems like a very nice man.

Now Neil Perace on the other hand. He's jumped on this item and has done nothing but carry on about it. I've trawled through the internet (only because his leaflets tell me nothing informative) and can't see evidence of him actually trying to do anything, except of course oppose City Airport. Can someone please outline clearly exactly what his manifesto is, what he hopes to achieve and how he intends to go about it? I'm afraid his newsletter, edited by none other than himself, really doesn't give me much insight as to what his objectives are. Maybe if he got off the subject of the airport (which has now been approved more flights so there's not much point wasting time and money going on about this subject) and actually sought the improve the community he works in, he might win some votes.

Lastly on the subject of City Airport - it's there, it's not going anywhere, and yes, it will probably grow more. There's nothing that can be done about that, and let's be honest, it really isn't that much of a bother. I've talked to some of my neighbours and colleagues that live in the Docklands and nobody seems to even raise an eyebrow about it. I do understand why the politicians have taken to this argument though - it's an easy one to argue and it helps them hide from the fact that they have no real objectives in helping the community. Both candidates are hiding behind the City Airport smoke screen.

I for one would like to use my vote sensibly but don't see why I should waste it on either of these candidates.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thinking on this. Back to the Sunday papers for me!

Anonymous said...

Any chance you will post Brayshaws leaflet then?

Anonymous said...

Anon - Actually you might just find that the expansion has NOT been appoved yet.
You should really try to find out more facts before you post.

Plus hope you havent been pretending to be someone else and posting on another website as you might just have been caught breaking the law x

Anonymous said...

Both candidates are hiding behind the City Airport smoke screen.

Well its more of a toxic nitrogeon dioxide screen as opposed to smoke.

Nice to see that H&K are still active though :)

Anonymous said...

Ah Ha! Dont need to send out an SOS to see that anon is o-shea-med!

John Gray said...

Apologies for the delay in responding. Been a bit busy.

Hi anon 00.33
They are XXXX pop ups! I know that Cameron says the Tories have changed but really...

Hi Anon 07.57
You did make me laugh. Please complain and report me to the Thought Police – I’ll go quietly honest!

House prices? Strange that the estate agents have posters up for Steve? Nothing to do with them being unhappy about Pearce wrongly making out the ward is a “dump”?

What immature and pathetic Tory Boy postulating. Keep up the good work comrade!

Hi anon 11.51
Well Boris seems to think he can build on water.
I’ve responded to the Tory racist.

Hi Dennis
I don’t hate anyone! (Apart from GG of course?) I may intensively dislike your bigoted leader but such is life.

Hi Mike
This is nonsense. No one seriously believes that the Tories are not in favour of airport expansion and it was simply stupid to produce that “lies and deception” “untrustworthy” leaflet. It makes your “holier than thou” claims very hollow.

Hi anon 20.41
Time have changed, there is a now a new SMT at Newham and CEO. Hopefully a fresh new approach to industrial relations at Newham. Even though the extremists will try to sabotage it.

Hi anon 07.36
This just shows your ignorance of history. I am a member of the Labour movement family. It is not the Party, socialist affiliates or the union. It is my own personal blog.

Hi anon 07.45

Hi anon 16.07
Even more boring

Hi anon 00.33
How on earth. I repeat how on earth could you accuse anyone of having no backbone for commenting anon when you are anon yourself? What a plonker you are anon.

Hi 12.37
I not sure that we want your support to be honest with your stupid and offensive dig about the “out of work”, nearly all our canvassing takes place during the evening and weekends. The only ones to make a mistake were the disgraceful and hysterical Tory leaflets attacking Steve for being untrustworthy and a lair. Nasty party Tories.

I’ve lost interest in responding to the daftness that follows.

Anonymous said...

John, good moderation. How can one Anon poster accuse another anon. poster of being spineless or having no backbone ?

Maggie Thatcher was indeed the initiator of London City. London City Airport was developed by the LDDC. Maggie set up the LDDC to by-pass Local Councils.

This is no reason to condemn ex-LDDC employees Anon.,--- but it is good reason to challenge the Tory Candidate about the origins of the airport, --and what his true position is now.

I repeat, Tory Ex-Councillor Paul Clark's posting on the Conservative Home website is revealing.

Although Royal Docks Tories have already used the site, I can send them the relevant link.

As for Thatcherism there is site called www.ukpolling report.co.uk. This has a sub-section for each Parliamentary Constituency. Under Thurrock there is poster called Thurrock Lad.Thurrock Lad (still) extols the virtues of Maggie Thatcher and the former Tory MP for Thurrock, Monday Club member Tim Janman. Perhaps not illogical for Thurrock Lad to post on the Thurrock Constituency page.However he also posts on the East Ham so maybe there are two (former) Thurrock Lads active in Newham Tory politics. Or perhaps NP's touchy feely posturing about the airport is just that.

Anonymous said...

Hi John

Thanks for all the fantastic replies to the residents of the Royal Docks. I can see now why Labour should not get in. Calling resident bloogers boring when they go against your comments and articles shows us all what you and your nasty Wales run party really bring to the area.

Don't bother replying but again a BIG thanks for your honest replies.


Royal Docks Resident non party political (even though John and the Nasty crew don't want to believe it)

Anonymous said...

Anon 18:24
"Maggie Thatcher was indeed the initiator of London City. London City Airport was developed by the LDDC. Maggie set up the LDDC to by-pass Local Councils."

When London City Airport came to be it was OK. Small prop planes that didn't cause to much hassle (some but not much). LB Newham (The Weasel Wales Labour Party) let it grow beyond what it should have. YES you heard it right LABOUR. All the Labour councilors voted for the expansion, the ones who had interests and had taken gifts did not and could not attend so the mino's were told what to do. The only non Labour councilor from Respect voted against as he could not be turned and was fighting for his constituents. . Every airport expansion being let through is down to Labour. Residents like myself have been continuously lied to by LB Newham (The Weasel Wales Labour party).
Steve Brayshaw thought it's a good little thing they've got going on here maybe I should get in on the action. Just go with Weasel Wales and I'll be all right and on the Gravy Train.
All the blogs I've read on this site show what fear Labour have of being found out for what they really are. And they are scared and they should be.

London City Airport is probably going to be the down fall of Labour in Newham as well as the other badly managed scams they run.

Good luck to every other party out there this week, save us all from the weasel lead muppets of Newham Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

This just shows your ignorance of history. I am a member of the Labour movement family. It is not the Party, socialist affiliates or the union. It is my own personal blog.

Ooooohhhhh!!!!! did I hit a nerve. Nice try John really good game. It sound's like you've had that response ready for a while, wondering when someone clocked what you were up to.
Have you had to pay a PR company for that or did you think of it all on your own?

I'm really impressed, good man.

"SPIN, SPIN, SPIN Labour get out of Jail card has just been used."

I can see the beads of sweat from here John ;-)

Anonymous said...

Got a New Name for your Blog site. Johns Labour SPIN blog.

Look at this – This is John responding to some home truths about this blogsite. “This just shows your ignorance of history. I am a member of the Labour movement family. It is not the Party, socialist affiliates or the union. It is my own personal blog.”
. Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! Whats this statement on the top of this Blog Site (My own personal blog. I'm a trade union activist and “”Labour Party member””. Member or family, I don't believe you even know John.

That’s it John you’ve done it. You’ve shown yourself as a true RED spin doctor who has not got a clue.

If Labour get in (god help Royal Docks if they do!) Get ready to watch the total anialation of the area. Steve Brayshaw (Weasel Wales New Muppet Boy) will drown you out with noise and pollution.

If they don’t we may just have a chance to move forward and make the Royal Docks a place were families can grow and live happy safe lives.

Good luck Royal Docks hope you make the right choice on voting day?