Friday, March 13, 2009

London UNISON Local Government Committee AGM - "the Horror, the Horror"

A report on yesterdays AGM at the University of London Union (ULU). When I arrived there was the usual UNISON ultra leftpaper sellers” outside the main entrance. I wasn’t sure which room the AGM was taking place so I went to the ULU reception desk were there was an ULU student complaining about the "revolutionaries" handing out leaflets. He claimed they were blocking entry into the union. He was demanding that staff got rid of them. The reception staff were arguing that they were not students and that there was nothing they could do. He responded “Well, who are they?” - I just meekly asked were the UNISON meeting was and then quickly ran away. Things have obviously changed since I was a student.

The AGM itself went "quite" well compared to previous meetings of the LGC that I have had the misfortune to attend. It was the last meeting chaired by its long serving Chair, David Eggmore, (my pesky election rival who had beaten me twice for a place in the UNISON Service Group Executive) was retiring from the post. So people may have decided to be relatively civil and polite to each other I suppose. Which was refreshing but I will not hold my breath for future meetings.

The committee itself is dominated by ultra left supporters from various revolutionary Trotsky Political Parties. So in the elections itself, those who I consider to be the forces of light and reason were comprehensively defeated (including me). However, there is room for optimism. We had a solid 1/3rd of the votes which I think shocked many on the "United Left" who always assume (wrongly) that they speak on behalf of everyone in local government. I am optimistic that we can build on this and we just need to organise ourselves better to win.

There were a number of positive and constructive things discussed during the meeting. But most of the business was not that relevant to my members who are not directly employed by London Councils. UNISON is hopefully changing its structures to more accurately reflect member’s interests but until then we have the LGC.

The chief United left "Red baiter" (of any socialists he doesn’t like) and witch hunter general was there droning on about various things. Every time anyone spoke against the Trotsky received wisdom you would be mildly barracked and glared at by the extremists who cannot deal with any opposition. It’s more unpleasant than threatening but no wonder many moderate "centre left" delegates don’t want to attend such meetings.

However, I am the ever the eternal optimist and I look forward to attending regional service group UNISON meetings in the future whose business directly concerns my members and that people feel confident to attend and participate without feeling, let us say “pressurised”, by those who consider the LGC to be their own private club.


Anonymous said...

I was there too John and agree with your analysis. The ultra Left and Lambeth Militants are obsessed with controling and dominating. Strange that they are also fighting each other in Lambeth then? I understand there are 20 different versions of ultra left alternatives in Lambeth? And some of them have resigned? Do you know more?

Anonymous said...

Who supplies the ice-picks in Lambeth now they are fighting each other ? UUL or the AWL crowd. BTY I see Nick (the really nice guy) has also decided to put the boot into the tiny trots . Sorry is that ageist ?


John Gray said...

Hi Anons

Some strange stuff going on no doubt. All sort of allegations being made by the middle class brigade of Permanent Revolution so I am led to understand.

They are taking their designer football and going home.

Anonymous said...

What both of them? loll

Anonymous said...

John can you tell me who you are refering to when you say "red baiter" (of Socialists he doesn't like)witch hunter general etc etc etc?

I am confused as I didn't notice any one acting in this way and usually a red baiter is someone who hates the left not someone who is on the left attacking the centre??

Also an explanation of why you used the phase "witch hunter" would be helpful please.