Tuesday, September 19, 2017

REMINDER - Grenfell Tower: The anatomy of a disaster & the future of social housing in London - Newham Fabians 20 Sept 2017

REMINDER: Tom Copley, GLA lead on Housing speaking this Thursday 20 September 7-9pm at Eat 16 Cafe, St Luke's Community Centre, Canning Town, E16 1HN


1. Welcome & introductions

2. Talk: Grenfell Tower & the future of social housing policy with guest speaker Tom Copley AM, Assembly Member and Labour Housing Spokesperson at the GLA

3. Audit Report

4. West Ham CLP GC delegate election- Those wishing to stand should email the secretary at least seven days before the meeting. As per our constitution these names will also be sent to the national Fabian Society. We are still waiting to be affiliated with East Ham CLP after which we will be able to elect a delegate for East Ham.

5. AOB & Date of Next Meeting

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