Saturday, July 15, 2023

The reunion & my first dreadful NEC meeting

Yesterday evening I met up with my Unison comrades from my 14 years in Tower Hamlets Council housing department for a birthday celebration. It was great to meet up with Monty, Trev (and even) Dave. 

We had some beers then went to the family run Nepalese restaurant Aromas in Forest Gate for yet another ace meal. 

Especially after a simply dreadful Unison NEC meeting that morning. It is appear that the current NEC leadership have no interest in uniting the union against the real enemy, this Tory Government, but intend to continue with their internal student union war on anyone who is not in their hard left faction. 

I have really never heard such breathtaking hypocrisy in their justifications of  “revenge politics”. 

Anyway, I will post a full report on the meeting which Denise Thomas (my NEC colleague for Community) and I will send to our NEC constituents (and others).

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