Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Labour Party Conference 2022 (& plug for fringe ‘Levelling up net zero: How can we invest in a fair and just transition?’)


Labour Party conference starts on Sunday in Liverpool and I am looking forward to being one of the two elected UNISON Labour Link delegates for Greater London. I will post when I can.

However, quick plug with a different hat for a fringe I will be speaking at on behalf of the Local Government Pension Fund Forum

Levelling up net zero: How can we invest in a fair and just transition?’

Labour Party Conference fringe meeting

Monday 26 September at 12:30 to 13:30

Hall 2, Room 4, ACC Liverpool


·         Paul Hackett, Director, the Smith Institute


·         Olivia Blake MP, Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Net Zero

·         Professor Nick Robins, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, LSE

·         Cllr John Gray, Vice-Chair, Local Authority Pension Fund Forum

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