What a great initiative.
Working for UNISON – Online taster session
29 April 20213:00pm–4:30pm
MS Teams
UNISON is the UK’s largest Trade Union with over 1.3 million members, around 80% of whom are women. We represent public sector employees at work, support them to speak up with their employers, lobby the Government and campaign for an equal and fair society for all.
UNISON is a diverse union; with democratic structures designed to give a voice to those under -represented in society and positions of power – Disabled members; Black members; LGBT members, Women and Young Members.
We want our staff to represent the diversity of our membership.
The Greater London Region is holding an open taster session for anyone interested in finding out what it’s like working for UNISON – what the different roles are; what skills and experience you need; the process of applying for a job in UNISON London Region and how you can make a difference every day.
This virtual session will be run on MSTeams.
To register please send your full name, contact details (including e-mail address) and where you saw this advert to GreaterLondonRegion@unison.co.uk by 12 noon Tuesday 27th April.
You do not need to be a current union member or activist to attend.
Attendance does not guarantee an interview or future job.
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