Sunday, April 14, 2019

UNISON NEC elections 2019 - Ballot papers out from tomorrow

My recommendations if you are a member of UNISON in London. You can vote for regional and national candidates and for those in your own "service group" (Health, Local Government, Community, Higher Education and Energy)

Greater London Region
Male seat - Eddie Brand
Female seat - Cynthia Adjei
Female seat - Sonya Howard

Service Group Seats
Health - General Seat - James Anthony; Female Seat- Pat Heron; Female Seat - Jenny Forbes-Reid; Male Seat- Gordon McKay

Local Government - General Seat- Maggie Griffin; Female Seat- Maxine Rowden; Female Seat- Kati Conway; Male Seat- Peter Crewes

Community - General Seat- John Gray; Female Seat- Denise Thomas

Higher Ed - General Seat- Dan Beard; Female Seat- Katie Hall

Energy – Tracey Wainwright

Black members seats
Male Seat- Ash Dobi
Female Seat- Manjula Kumari
Female Seat - Sandra Okwara

Disabled members seats
Female Seat- Katrina Murray

Young members seats
Female Seat - Kendal Bromley-Bewes


David said...

Hi John, any recommendation for the Water, Environment and Transport Service Group seat contested by Pam Sian and John Jones?

John Gray said...

Hi David

Thank you for your comment. I am not a member of WET service group but would recommend you recommend Pam

Unknown said...

Yep that's what I guessed, thanks!