Sunday, October 07, 2018

Councillor Report to West Ham Labour Party Branch October 2018

Councillor Report to Branch
4 October 2018

tel: 0203 373 3456 or email

Surgeries and case work 

Please note the new time and place of my Councillor Surgeries

· Stratford Library, 3 The Grove, Stratford E15 1EL 1st Saturday in every month 10am-11am

· 1st Floor Tenants’ Room, Abbey Road, E15 3LA. 1st Thursday in every month 5pm-6pm.

I can also be contacted by email or phone (see above box) or even via twitter (@grayee) or Facebook (search “John Gray Newham”)

Ward issues
Following complaints from residents and my visits during the election campaign on 9 August I inspected, with technical and caretaking officers, Maud Gardens, E15. A number of communal repair, parking and caretaking issues were identified. We were also able to visit an elderly resident with a serious disrepair issue and since then an emergency decant to alternative accommodation has been arranged. The Council is carrying out what is called a “stock survey” of all its accommodation to identify repair and refurbishment works needed.

Friday 15 August I took part in an inspection of Brassett Point with residents, technical officer and concierge manager. The block was clean and secure but there was also a number of issues identified regarding communal repairs, anti-social behaviour, parking, and leasehold charges. Cllr Whitworth presented a petition from residents at the full Council meeting on 17 September. A follow up meeting with local ward Councillors has been arranged for 4 October 2018.

I also met up with Eastside Community Heritage about a possible “Art in Tower Blocks” scheme. Brassett Point residents indicated that they would be interested in finding out more. I will speak to officers. An inspection of next door David Lee Point is also being arranged.

Planning application in Abbey Road 
This application is for a very large new tower block on the site next to the DLR station. Local residents have been up in arms about this development as being unsuited to the neighbourhood in design and height (amongst other things). I have met with local residents who made a series of formal objections to the application. Newham planners have recommended that the application be rejected. Cllr McLean and I will support objectors when the application comes to planning committee. Cllr Whitworth is a member of Planning Committee so cannot be involved in this campaign.

Newham Boxing club 
The club has approached local Councillors for support to redevelop the site in Church Street. We have asked regeneration officers to look at the proposal.

Durul Jannah Community Centre, E15
Is appealing against a decision of the local planning committee. Cllr Whitworth and I spoke in favour of the application at the committee (before he became a member of the Strategic planning committee)

Last month I attended the Labour Party conference in Liverpool as a Councillor (self funded). During which I attended 9 housing fringes.

I attended the evening meeting of the Stratford & West Ham Assembly on 12 September. It was well organised and very constructive with about 80 people attending. It is probably the best residents’ meeting I have ever been to either as a Councillor or officer.

If requested I would be happy to present on my role as Cabinet member for Housing services to a future meeting of the branch.

If any member wishes to contact me about this report to discuss any aspect please do not hesitate to do so.

John Gray
West Ham Ward Councillor

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