Thursday, September 17, 2009

TUC supports Justice for Victims of Pleural Plaques

I received this email and YouTube link today from TULO

I've got some good news to share with you about our campaign for justice for victims of Pleural Plaques.

The TUC debated an Emergency motion on Plaques yesterday - and the whole union movement has united behind this campaign for justice. This is a really important moment in our campaign - it just goes to show what we can achieve when we work together like this.

Over the past few weeks we've been working on a video, which was played to Congress. The video features sufferers of Pleural Plaques - including a man called Alan Clark. Alan sadly died of Mesothelioma shortly after recording his interview - but he wanted his story to be used to help win justice for Pleural Plaques.You can watch it here - please sign the petition and then invite all of your friends to do the same:

It's a deeply touching film and - I hope - a fitting tribute. I'm genuinely proud to have worked on this project.But it's not only Alan's story that touched me. It's the people who have to deal with this condition day in, day out.

It's their stories that call for justice better than I ever could.Because the truth is that Pleural Plaques causes real and genuine concern for victims - and their families. It's a real life ticking timebomb - and the cause of untold worry and concern.You can watch their stories here - and then please sign our petition and then invite your friends to do the same:

Now, our march for justice continues. We will not back down from this fight. We stand up for victims of Pleural Plaques wherever we can. This is a call for justice that each of us must answer.

Thank you

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