Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Live twittering on Gordon's speech

This is live from the Labour Party conference floor. Waiting for the "big event" - the speech of Prime Minister Gordon Brown to conference.

People are still rushing around trying to get to their seats, there is loud lively music (Levellers "Beautiful Day"). I am with Rachel from West Ham delegation. Charlene the other delegate is sitting with Sarah Brown.

I am going to try and tweet for the first time. Not the best time to start but I have been inspired by last nights "Twinge"" (twitter at the fringe).

Check out "grayee" at #Lab09. Here goes....


Anonymous said...

is it true the tories are going to scrap the four week deadline for cancer patients to see a consultant

we need to get that into the public arena

its a disgrace

meanwhile first action of a tory government would be tax breaks for the rich and reintroduction of fox hunting

its all about priorities

John Gray said...

Hi anon

Very true, true and true.