Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Join a union - TUC 60 second Ad Entry

Gary Williams with the animation ‘Join a union’. ‘Cute, and shows the difference between exterminate and negotiate…highly commended


Tony said...

Do all Unison members look like that?

Anonymous said...

only the united left...LOL

Anonymous said...

careful - this was described as 'cute'! I've yet to meet a member of the united left who could be remotely described as cute.

Anonymous said...


I thought that Tony and anon guys were referring to the Dalek?

Careful what you say folks since there may be an ET application made against Doctor Who for discriminating against a Dalekist philosophical cult.

The Collins Dictionary defines it rather broadly as "any of a set of fictional robot-like creations that are aggressive, mobile, and produce rasping staccato speech”.

Remind you of anyone?

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

You don't mean today's London UNISON Local Government Committee surely?

tut tut....

Davros said...

Brilliant! Really enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Trying to find this on YouTube to put on my Facebook page - where can I find a shareable copy?

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Play the video and then at the end click on the Youtube title. You will then be able to click on a facebook link directly to your account or copy and paste the link to facebook.

Pass the word!