Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Million Voices for Public Services

UNISON launched their “Million Voices” campaign at the Labour Party conference.

All delegates should visit the UNISON stall and sign up to support.

Picture includes Barking and Dagenham Schools crossing officer, Louise Couling (aka Lollypop lady)


Anonymous said...

Good stunt

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
and its a good campaign!

Jackie said...

I think it's a wonderful campaign as it shows us the UNISON members, whilst Dave advocates well, it's us that need to push what we do and how it important it is to everyone that we keep doing it. That's why I particularly like James speech as a hospital worker looking after people who can fall very ill when faced with harsh realities like job losses and pay freezes. Our members do a public service sometimes at the cost of being kept in a poverty trap themselves. All the hype about over inflated wages when the average salary of a public service worker is about 17,000 a year, carers average at 13,000. As a society we need to make a commitment together, to value those we benefit the most from.

Anonymous said...

And a pension "golden pension" of £3,000 a year on average

Tax Payers Alliance dont say that do they

Them and their millionaire friends in the Freedom Association