UNISON London Regional Health & Safety Committee report.
Committee Elections
The last meeting was on 31 March 2009 which was our AGM. Officers and representatives were elected. I was elected as the London representative again for the UNISON National Health & Safety Committee.
Committee members reported on training and conferences attended. It was agreed to fund one member of the committee to attend the Hazards Conference from our budget and encourage all branches to also send delegates.
Work Programme
The committee has as part of its work programme investigated the purchase of suitable yellow high visibility jackets and clip boards with UNISON safety logos on them. This is to encourage and facilitate workplace safety inspections. Branches will be asked to buy jackets and clip boards for all active and trained representatives. We will also encourage the use of the UNISON model safety inspection check list as a template. If any other regions want details of costing etc then please contact the secretary to the Committee, Stuart Barber at London regional office.
On going discussion on how to further the European Health & Safety campaign focus on Risk Assessments. There was a discussion on possibly future lobbying of London Councils and NHS Trusts on this issue. Also, possible meeting with London HSE on joint working on this important issue.
Workers Memorial Day.
There will be the central London rally outside the Tower Of London on the 28th April and a special evening event at Congress House organised by SERTUC. There is a number of UNISON events planned across London (see UNISON website).
London Health & Safety Network
After the main committee meeting ended there was a network meeting where branch Health and Safety officers from the region were invited to join the committee. A speaker from trade union solicitors Thompsons (Andrew Hutson) gave a very informative legal update on risk assessments and Stress at work. There appears to have been some improvements in law. If anyone wants a copy of his handout please contact me.
After that committee members and branch officers discussed local safety issues and “best practices”.
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