Saturday, April 25, 2009

Questions to be asked of United Left

Guest multi-media post from Comrade Mercader who has come up with another video asking some questions of the UL (Ultra Left) faction who are standing in the UNISON NEC elections.


Selene said...

Great that the United Left are trying to confuse matters by now wanting to be known as 'Reclaim the Union'! Reclaim it for who exactly? White men?

Andrew said...

I take it if the United Left wanted to reply they are free to do so in the comments?

Anonymous said...

I think a more pertinent question is why one of their listed candidates a) is not even standing and b) never been approached by anyone from the United Left to be on their slate and is entirely unwilling to be associated with them. Great way to build a slate, add some names you think might be on your side, don't bother to ask them if they want to be in your motley gang - or even if they're actually standing. Hilarious! Perhaps you could run a short competition to spot the odd one out on the UL list. Of course, there may be more than one!

Andrew said...

Is John McDermott allowed to stand as a candidate?

And can anonymous above please state who the person is that the UL incorrectly claimed for their slate - we need to be kept informed!

Anonymous said...

what about the unison branch sec in Greenwich spending thousands of pounds of unison members money putting pictures of himself and his girl friend on buses

totally unacceptable

When will the united left repay brqnches who made donations to the legal case that never was (Ms R) A case that needed to go to court to fight for the principled rights of union reps....yet they took an out of court settlement

why were branches, members not given money back

Andrew said...

Didn't they need the money for the big party they had Saturday night at the Waldorf Hotel in Manchester?

Paranoid said...

I see that Nick says they are not responsible for Swine flu. How does he really know? Didn't the trotmaster live in Mexico?