Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Their dreams turn to ashes..... London UNISON sees off United Left

This is a quick post on the main Election results of the (Ash Wednesday) London UNISON AGM that took place today.

I was very pleased that I was re-elected as Regional Finance convenor. However, we won all the Regional Council posts with Gloria Hanson being elected Regional Convenor, Conroy Lawrence: Deputy Convenor, Lynn Bentley: Publicity Officer and Gill Brown as Equalities Convenor. Sarah Lewis was re-elected unopposed as Young Person convenor.

Commiserations to all those who lost (sincere this time since I have lost elections in the past and will no doubt lose others in the future). But many, many thanks for all those who voted for us.

We’re find out the result of the other committee elections tomorrow. I’ll post a full report on the AGM as soon as I can (just back from a Labour Party “fish and chips supper” fundraiser for Ken and the GLA elections – so it has been a long day)

Picture of our Guest speaker, UNISON President Norma Stephenson, speaking to AGM, with Sarah and Gloria on the top table.

BTW – yesterday was the first anniversary of my very first posts.


Anonymous said...

Well done John and your comrades in London. It's no mean achievement to defeat the hard core sectarian rabble of the SWP/Socialist Party and the creeps who slavishly follow them while professing their fidelity to the Labour Party.

I wonder though how long UNISON will put up with that group acting as a seperate organisation inside the union? Abusing union resources on behalf of outside political parties and organising against our union. It's pretty obvious to me that wherever these sectarians run branches the union is at its weakest - low density and a small activist base. One man bands such as Bromley local government branch come immediately to mind.
More power to the elbow of the democratic left and good luck in building the union in London. I look forward to reports of the progress being made by your leadership team.

Anonymous said...

Excellent result comrades

the problem is London has a dwindling group of Trots in Local Government
who are still looking towards a town hall revolution

they want to substitute themselves for class struggle, as one Trot said "we should not be a mirror for our members"

well of course we should be

Its not only revolutionaries who join unions its Liberals, Greens and Tories...they have every right to be a part of our union, even if at local level I disagree with them

The branches that shout the most often have the lowest union membership and just how many strikes have they called locally against Tory run councils ????? who privatise services ???

Well done to Gloria and Conroy - A new black leadership for a diverse capital

Anonymous said...

The heckling of delegetes speaking was outrageous, something must be done

I noticed all the heckling was done by white men

Anonymous said...

Is'nt it time we closed down branches with less than 20% union density

They cannot obviously be working effectively

Anonymous said...

I felt sorry for Khi
if only she had come out as an independant candidate earlier I think she would have secured support from all sections

Especially given her excellent work on black members issues and stand against the 3 Monkeys leaflet

Anonymous said...

Who beat up Trot Jon Rogers ? I blame the officers or stalin! or both.
however, nasty cut to the head
or was he just tired and emmotional

failed on the sympathy vote however

Anonymous said...

Anon perhaps a better examination of the facts re campaigns and for that matter industrial action might be in order? As for density hmmmm

Sean said...

Perhaps people should have judged Khi on her record then?Shame there are those who are so divisive that they would unseat a sitting candidate for some form of disloyalty?Perhaps those who produced those handy little slips made a mistake. That might similarly explain the reasoning behind the same handy slips calling for a vote for Florence Portugal in the Standing Orders seat rather than the incumbent who was supported last year. Or is it perhaps the need for a long spoon?

Anonymous said...

The Trots ask for national leadership to fight a WW1 suicidal frontal attack on the Government - so they can sell a few more papers and say they are sell outs

Meanwhile, locally Tory councils in London are cutting and privatising jobs in


yet do we hear a whisper about industrial action or strike ballots

Why because the Trots on full time release dont want to lose out and there members tired of years of crying woolf have left or joined the GMB

Lets spend another 3 million on a strike like the London Weighting strike.....worth every penny...not

Anonymous said...

Dear me -why think or let facts get in the way when prejudice will do?
Lambeth is a Labour Administration -not Tory.And we do fight cuts -having recently halted a major redundancy in our Libraries where we have membership density of about 80%.Much of the credit for that has to go to our local shop stewards -some are SWP members, some are SP, some are labour and some have no political affiliation -but they are all united in supporting and protecting members. And that is how it should be.

Anonymous said...

I think its hilarious that Jon Rogers is complaining on his blog (and other revolutionaries elsewhere) that there was an organised opposition to his preferred candidates. The United Left is all about organised opposition, surely, and if not, what's the point of it? It's a case of the biter bit. Again! And after all this time of not getting their way with the revolution, you'd think they would have got used to losing.

Anonymous said...

The comrade from Lambeth makes the point only to well its only while striking against labour councils the Trots feel safe

Why no strikes or strike ballots in ultra Tory Hammersmith, Croydon and Camden

Anonymous said...

I didnt vote for Khi because she was on the United Left Slate last year and was on their slate up until the last minute this year

If only she had come out a true independant earlier, she would have secured my vote

Black members in the Region are fed up with white ultra left telling what to do and say

John Gray said...

"Perhaps people should have judged...2

Sorry, but it is completely hypocritical for anyone from United Left of all people to criticise “slates”. I am fully aware that there huge row in UL about who to support and who not. Also, that many of your delegates changed their votes for a certain candidate from last year.

Anonymous said...

So you have a union density in Libraries of 80% what about the council
out of 4,000 odd employeess you have how many ???

Anonymous said...

I do not often respond to blogs although my where abouts and what I do can be found on face book, but on this occasion members from the region have contacted me about this conversation, and these are members who are black and white neither UL or from any other fraction, ordinary members. I am pleased the region does have these.

I can be humble in my loss if you can accept wining you must be able to accept losing, however what I do not appreciate is people speaking about Khi and know nothing about Khi. Let the record be straight from the horses mouth. I stood as independent I have no issue with who wants to vote for me ( although there may be an issue about consultation), as I thought this was what democracy was all about being allowed to vote indpendantley for the candidate of your choose. However during the recent 06/07 - 07/08 elections the region has taught me a few lessons, especially about the organized vote. I stood as an indpendent and given some of the comments on here I believe there is a need for independence,

anonymous said; Quote 'I didnt vote for Khi because she was on the United Left Slate last year and was on their slate up until the last minute this year

If only she had come out a true independant earlier, she would have secured my vote

Black members in the Region are fed up with white ultra left telling what to do' end quote.

This clearly shows they did not vote for the best candidate based upon the persons proven track recorded but was voting in the poltical war of the region,

I agree to some point with anonymous about Black members being feed up however would not agree with the last bit of the statement.I am sure LGBT, disabled, women and ordinary members are fed up too of political warfare which in some instance divides and distracts the region from getting the work done. I wonder if this is one of the contributory factors why numbers in the region are falling and allows our members to have to continue to battle with employers especially on the equalities front.

If anonymous is so supportive of Black Members then I hope they will ask the question why was regional council AGM so poorly attend by Black Members. So much for the representation and proportionate rule

Again another quote ' Well done to xxxxx & xxxxxx- A new black leadership for a diverse capital'

It is good that members know advocate that there is a need for Black members to be engaged in leadership especially in the Trade Unions, I wonder if the region will support such a motion to NDC? but this is loaded. I hope those elected have been elected because of their ability and not as a result of their hue. We do not want to fall into the trap of Tick box diversity like the employers do we want leadership that will bring the regions diversity together and find solutions to the problems being faced by members.

Those who know me know what I do in the Labour Party and that it what matters.

I may have lost but I am NOT defeated as an ordinary member I will continue to do what I have always done best and that s to represent our members interests because our members are UNISON.

With that said I am off to Ken Livingston question time at Vauxhall I wonder how many people from UNISON will be there.

Here are my contact details should you ever need to hear from the horse mouth. or try face book


Anonymous said...

John not sure what the comment re . "Also, that many of your delegates changed their votes for a certain candidate from last year." are you talking about my Branch's delegates or united left delegates? I dont have a problem with slates I have a problem with the idea that a candiate is opposed primarily on the basis of being supported by the UL rather than on their record. Similar questions must arise about the Standing Orders Committee where a candidate suported last year was "de-selected" by London for Change even though he was standing again

Anonymous said...

I thought the attack by a section of white male local gov ultra delegates on the mainly health health delegates over time off was the low point

Anonymous said...

WelAs far as I know the only all black lay leadership of any union in London.

It is intresting to note for all the hype both RMT and PCS have very few black lay elected officer, prefering white men to represent a mainly black workforce in the Capital

Anonymous said...

NOt sure the right wing in London has as great a record as John claims in this post. For the third year running they've managed to scrape through and win most seats by an extremely narrow margin and left them prsiding over a factionalised region in which they are incapable of and have no interest in bringing on board the left, and are unlikely to get another quorate regional council until next year's agm when yet again they'll pull out all the stops to get their candidates elected on the narrowest of margin's.
It seems to show that those in control of the London region are only interested in defeating what they see as their political enemies and have absolutely no interest in a positive agenda that might actually unite the region.
I'd rather focus my energies on tackling the employers.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon (Malcolm?)

“John not sure what the comment re...”

I was talking about UL delegates. Regarding slates - I really don’t see the difference. You either support a slate or you don’t? You can’t have it both ways.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

“NOt sure the right wing in London has as great a record.....”

Not sure about the label? But sticks and stones and all that....While the margin of victory was not massive it was quite convincing. Next year should be better as we are getting better organised. Interestingly, as well, more Local Government delegates are supporting us. My own margin of victory went up quite significantly.

I actually draw an entirely opposite conclusion (you will not be surprised to hear!) that it is United Left, which has no positive agenda to offer the region. As long as (lets call them) “left to centre” unison activists continue to side with the far left then there is no future for United Left.

What I can’t understand is that many “left to centre” supporters of UL will privately mock the “head bangers” influence of the far left and accept that it would be a disaster for the union if they ever took control yet they still support them?

Finally, quite right – focus your energies on your employer and not to use your members in some vanguard suicide mission.

Anonymous said...

intresting that the most powerful union in British history, The National Union of Mineworkers only twice called national strikes

the ultra Left need to ask themselevs why - it wasnt because they were weak or didnt want to sell papers.

It isIntresting to note the lack of co-ordinated action on the railways with Cde Crow

He is wise enough to know you dont fight a World war One, one last push and we will be home by Christmas stratergy.

We want more Che and less Haig

(SWP members please check your history books or ask one of your leaders if you have any left)

Anonymous said...

Hi John -couple of points.
How do you know more LG delegates are supporting you -is something dodgy going on monitoring who votes from which branch?
And actually the results are much closer than last year particularly for the Convenor and Deputy. Which of course may mean that more people are actually thinking about who to vote for as opposed to following 'official' guidance. I believe in people thinking and then choosing -much better for the union generrally.Kat

John Gray said...

Hi Kat
Sorry, you cannot have it both ways. If UL support and advocate their own slate, they then cannot also then say they support people choosing their own individual candidates? I would have thought that it was obvious how many LG delegates were openly supporting L4C?

Anonymous said...

Hi John, it's Gerard here, one of the co-chairs of the regional LGBT committee and a member of the Regional Committee and Council.

Firstly, I want to congratulate all those who were elected. As you know, I congratulated you, Conroy and Gloria at the end of the AGM and genuinely wish you well for the coming year and the work you have ahead of you. I am saddened that as a left wing socialist activist within the Labour Party and movement, I too appear to be labelled a Trot and/or member of the SWP. Of course I am neither. I have never felt drawn to the Trotsky model and always advocate constructive discussion and dialogue. To steal an old adage (can't remember just now where it's from) "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend your right to say it" (obviously hateful, illegal and personalised attacks are exempt).

I agree with Khi and the similar sentiments expressed by others who remind us why we are UNISON activists, our members. We are accountable to them and ought to bear this in mind which ever group or committee we sit on.

Why can't we acknowledge that there are political differences to which we are all entitled and get on with it? I know I may be subject to accusations of naivety from some of my more left wing comrades, with whom I don’t always agree but that’s the nature of what we all choose to do, but in the light of what’s ahead of us surely we need to be more united than ever now?

The hideous and frightful thought of the BNP gaining any seats in the May GLA elections is very alarming. All you need to do is go on their website to be reminded that beneath their Versace suited facade lurks the ever menacing fascist and their vile invective. Comrades, acknowledge political differences and diversity within our trade union ranks BUT we MUST stand together against a common and deadly enemy. They will delight in any trade union bickering within its ranks, and as trade unionists we are never going to agree with everything people say but we need to get over ourselves and fight together. Sorry if this sounds like teaching one's Grandmother to suck eggs but it needs to be said. Thanks for reading and providing this opportunity to speak.


John Gray said...

Hi Gerard

Thank you for your valuable contribution. I don’t think it is particularly helpful for people to label all opponents of L4C simply as “trots”, since it is not actually accurate. However, there are a number of activists in united left (not all) who deliberately hid their true political affiliations. Also, there are a number of UL “supporters” who privately make it quite clear how much they despise the politics of the SWP/SPEW but still openly support them! (I’ve never discussed this issue with you)

There again it is equally not necessary for some “united left” activists to label all their opponents as “blood and soil” fascists, “local BNP organisers” and “corrupt cheer leaders”. Still, Sticks and stones and all that....

I think that it was Voltaire who first said “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.”

Bash the BNP take part in the TULO days of action on Sunday 9 and Monday 17 March.

Unknown said...

This is a really useful blog and Im hoping that you may be able to point me in the right direction to solve a question.
Im studying social psychology and in particular Collective Action, at the university of Exeter and really need to find a Union willing to partner us in this research. Im particularly interested in Unison and wondered if you could advise me who to contact to explore a partnership. This would involve me mailing a questionnaire to 1800 members asking for their opinions on decision making at work.
Hope you dont mind my asking.

John Gray said...

Hi Jackie - apologies for not responding sooner. I have only just come across your email. It may be too late. I can only suggest that you approach a local UNISON branch either local government or health and ask them for permission for workplace contacts. Maybe if you were offer to help stuff your questionaire mailing in with a branch newsletter then you would be more likely to be successful. Most branches are really busy and don't have time to do such things. There may also be problems with data protection.