"Our members at Ladywood Primary School in
Grimethorpe, Barnsley, are in dispute with their employer over proposals to
make 9 School Meals Supervisory Assistants (lunchtime supervisors)
Donate to the strike fund
You can donate by sending money to:
Account name: UNISON Barnsley
Account number: 20031457
Sort code: 608301
Or send a cheque payable to UNISON Barnsley to:
Branch Office, 4 Burleigh Court, Barnsley, S70 1XY.
They started with 6 days of strike action in September 2018 and since 4
October 2018 have been on indefinite strike. There are seventeen members in
total who are taking action; nine SMSAs and eight Teaching Assistants and
Higher Level Teaching Assistants.
We believe that the Ladywood dispute is hugely significant and that its
outcome may determine the approach that other schools take to addressing
budget difficulties. Our members, through their determination and courage,
are showing that low-paid support staff are no longer a soft target when
savings need to be made.
We hope you will be able to support our members by sending a message of
solidarity to branchoffice@unisonbarnsleylg.org
You can also follow us on social media: (on Facebook and
Twitter: @UNISONBarnsley).
Every message will be passed on to our members and they really do make a
Robin Symonds
UNISON Regional Organiser, Yorkshire and Humberside"
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